Construction is the province of the Ministry of State, or guildmasters. They (or their aides) may construct or order the demolition of a wide range of buildings for the citizens, or the government, or the military of the city. Type BUILDINGS for a list of state owned construction whilst within your city walls, or GUILDHOUSE whilst you stand within your guild for any extensions that have been made. See HELP SHRINES for specific construction info on holy locations dedicated to one of the Avalon divinities, though the syntax/usage instructions below should also be absorbed.
Syntax: CONSTRUCT <type of building> <direction>
Stand out in the open in your city and decide on the plot for your new construction. Type HELP BUILDINGS for a list of the available buildings and a cost in commodities and gold coins for the construction (and HELP SHRINES for holy locations only). You can only declare construction within your city walls (or guildhouse) or in locations over which your authority is absolute; and in directions that have no adjacency (e..g. if you want to build to the north, there must be nothing other than other state constructed buildings to the northeast and northwest). Construction is a costly process - do not do so lightly.
City buildings must be outside, but guild buildings may be constructed anywhere in the guild. Neither, however, can be constructed as extensions of existing commodity stores/constructed buildings; they must be CONSTRUCTed from permanent locations. The construction will be completed immediately and will automatically be considered an extension of whichever city or guild it was constructed in. REMEMBER also constructions are not automatically fitted with doors and if you wish to fill doorways you must source and fit your own.
Syntax: DEMOLISH <direction>
Demolition of a building is quick and easy, providing you have sufficient gold coins in your hands to pay the workmen and artisans for their time. Stand outside the entrance to a building (usually out on the street) and issue this command to commence its demolition. You will not be able to demolish a building that has not been emptied of its contents and occupants beforehand. Demolition costs the city one thousand pieces of gold per location in the building being demolished.
Members of government, and other priviledged citizens can use this command to review any state owned, constructed buildings, that lie within the influence of your city. You must be standing on home soil to review the list.
Guildmembers above the rank of apprentice can issue this command to discover the whereabouts of any extensions that have been made within a guild. You must be standing within your guild to review the extensions.
Syntax: OFFICES or OFFICE followed by an office to zoom directly to it
Members of one of the civic ministries can type OFFICES to review the ministerial constructions / buildings with feasible routes from current location including info on distance and method for speedily reaching any/all listed.
See HELP BUILDINGS for detailed info on all constructions and their costs in gold and commodities