The edict of exile is an awful penance paid by citizens judged to merit such painful sentence. It is a power available only to the Prince, the Prime Minister (if one is chosen) and the divinely-mandated Cardinal. No other citizens possesses the rank and authority to lay down or revoke exile.
Syntax: EXILE <citizen>
Not to be confused with loss of citizenship, the EXILE does not revoke citizenship but instead renders the individual under a heavy sentence that must be pro-actively revoked before it is overcome. The exiled citizen is forbidden all rank and privileges within his or her homeland; unable to vote in elections, unable to gain title or high office. It is a stigma, written into a character's HELP and HISTORY files and only its removal by one of equally high stature will see the effects terminated. Exiles cannot have citizenship removed and, short of appeal to the Gods, are unable to give up their city to shift loyalty to another of the land's city-states save through the intervention of combined forces of Prince and Cardinal and Patron of the foreign state.
Syntax: UNEXILE <citizen>.
This command is the reverse of the "exile" and revokes the edict of exile from a stigmatised citizen. The forgiveness, on behalf of Crown, Church and Nobility, can only be initiated by the Prince, Prime Minister or Cardinal and requires an assembly of witnesses made up of either all the higher ranked citizens (those of noble or high office stature) or - if the exiled citizen is not present in person before the assembly - the UNEXILE forgiveness requires ALL non-novice citizens of the homeland presently in Avalon to witness the revoking of the edict.
See also HELP NOBILITY and HELP STATURE for other useful helpfiles on the make-up of a city's citizens, nobility and how a individual's stature 'rating' is decided.