Salaries are paid to citizens by the city treasuries when they hold various roles of note within the civic hierarchy, as determined by the Prince. Type SALARIES and you will see the current settings. It is often the case a city runs without setting salaries, expecting each to do his/her duty without remuneration. All cities are entirely free to run their own affairs in this regard.
Guilds also have the option to declare salaries for various positions, from guildmaster down to apprentice. The head of the guild determines the salaries - whether paid or not, whether due in a particular Avalon year/Avalon month or postponed until the next. The SALARIES command will show guildmembers the payments due for the various guild positions and the head of the guild may use the SALARY command to affect the salaries of the various positions.
Guildmasters may wish to note the positions are referred to as: "guildmaster", "headtutor", "undertutor", "captain", "quartermaster", "fieldleader" and "apprentice" when using the SALARY command. Princes should look up CITY HELP SALARIES for detailed information.
Guildmasters can also set a salary to be paid once with SALARY <salarytype> ONCE, to be postponed for the forthcoming year/month with SALARY <salarytype> POSTPONE, to be switched off entirely without zeroing the gold coin value with SALARY <salarytype> OFF and to be fully switched on for annual/monthly payout with SALARY <salarytype> ON. Type SALARY followed by just the salary type, e.g. SALARY GUILDMASTER on its own to see the current settings.