Duties are explained in HELP DUTIES along with other ways of making money, acquiring reputation and progressing your Avalon character once your baseline ability has been established by apprentice badges and the prize gained once all badges are completed (see HELP BADGES).
Syntax: DUTIES.
Shows you any civic duties entrusted to you by the leaders of your homeland. The duties are mostly a daily affair i..e. at least each Avalon month.
Syntax: DUTY <duty name>
Below is a list of each duty in all capitals, one by one, with a single line describing what the duty covers. Type DUTY followed by one of those listed to get detailed info on what it entails, when it is paid, commands you need to know, etc. The duties have been grouped under the ministry or branch of city government responsible for giving out and taking away the responsilities.
State Ministry (also Prime Minister/Prince):
CLERK civil service: resource provision, tool lending, accounts
SCRIBE journal writing, book handling, library and librarian jobs
NURSING tending citizen possessions/animals in their absence
Trade Ministry (or State Ministry):
MINING mining for ore needed by the city
PLANTING planting the city fields in springtime
FIELDS tending fields throughout the growth months
HARVESTING aiding with the harvest of the city crop
FARMHAND helping process harvested produce into stored commodities
LABOURER working at commodity production for the city
Trade Ministry (or State Ministry / Baronial Council):
COOKING gathering ingredients and cooking meals
HABERDASHER creating, marketing and selling clothing
CRAFTING crafting non-worn items for stalls and civic shops
ARMOURER forging, tending, caring for or vending weapons/armour
GARDENER within city: tend gardens, keep bees, raise animals
Justice Ministry (or State Ministry or War Ministry):*
SECURITY checking up on city security (doors, inventories)
ARENA using the arena to tutor citizens in combat
SPYING secret operations gathering intelligence as eye-witness
RUNNER taking messages and gathering geopolitical info
CITYWATCH regular patrols of the city, street safety, leading guards
AVENGER avenging slain citymates, trespassers; challenging enemies
Foreign Ministry (Ambassador and Field Marshall or General Staff):
WAXFORTS waxing the gatehouse fortifications
ENLISTING enlisting men for the city legions
INFLUENCE using gold, gems or charisma to enlist/encourage
INSURGENT using gold or charisma to bribe, convert, enlist
COLLECTOR collector of tributes from city sphere of influence
ESPIONAGE information gathering in and about foreign places
SABOTAGE actions to cause harm the enemies of the state
JOURNALIST investigating/learning then filing recorded info
Public Relations Ministry (or State Ministry):
BADGETUTOR teaching youngsters badge knowledge
GUIDING guiding school graduates to apprenticeship
INSTRUCTOR making sure the citizens are Avalon educated
PROFESSOR working with citizens at fighting basics
GROUPLEADER leading vs monks, orcs, dwarves; running the gauntlet
See HELP DUTIES for overview, HELP STANDINGS if not familiar with the progression of your character's standing from junior through middling to senior status in the realm. Browse Section 18 or type HELP 18 for the Guide to the City-State table of contents.