There are two forms of city-based helpfiles: the civic government/ministerial CITYHELP command and the citizen-written evolving CHELP files.
Type CITYHELP to gain further info and syntax options for the government and ministerial helpfiles; or CHELP (abbreviated to CH) on its own to see your city's index of citizen helpfiles.
The CHELP citizen helpfiles are written by the Prince/Princess, Barons and Public Relations Minister. The Prince/ss may, optionally, allow editorship privileges for the Minister of State, Foreign Affairs Minister and Minister of Justice. See HELP EDITORS for further info on the editing of helpfiles (amongst other Avalon texts). These citizen helpfiles can cover a wide range of documents, from city histories (e..g. documenting great events) to young citizen hints and tips, through to city expectations of its nobility or guildmasters. It is free to be used howsoever the government prefers.
CITYHELP is a key reference point for government, ministerial and civic powers and their commands. You can type CITY HELP INDEX to see a full list of further information files, each referenced by the civic/governmental commands they document, e..g. CITY HELP TRADE to peruse the syntax and usage of the TRADE ministerial power and CITY HELP TRADE followed by a directive for specific syntax and info on one of the TRADE command facets (CITY HELP TRADE LINKS for example, for help on the TRADE LINKS command).