Since the cities tend to have a number of nobles and an even larger number of concerned citizens, actions performed by the government are logged for all to see. There are six types of action logs for cities and villages. The first is the bank actions - accessible only by government. Type BANK ACTIVITY to view deposits, withdrawals and bank activity. This log can be wiped by the Chancellor by typing BANK ACTIVITY CLEAR. The second log is the treasury actions - withdrawals, deposits and general activity affecting the treasury itself. This can be viewed only by members of government using the CHANCELLORY LOG command and cleared by the Chancellor by typing CHANCELLORY LOG TRADE/STATE/CHANCELLORY/TREASURY CLEAR. Members of the government may choose to annotate notes to these logs, which they can do by using BANK ACTIVITY <message> and CHANCELLORY LOG TRADE/STATE/CHANCELLORY/TREASURY <message> respectively.
The majority of the general governmental activities are logged in the public actions log - which can be viewed by all citizens by typing ACTIONS. Citizens may, in addition, review actions for the past thirty real days by typing ACTIONS followed by the day of the month they wish to view. In addition to general actions, military activity and developments are stored in the same way in a log known as BATTLEACTIONS, while stall and trade activity are stored in a log known as STALLACTIONS. Finally, there is a log which records details of which doors the city locksmith was called to lock or unlock, which is known as LOCKACTIONS. Actions, stallactions, lockactions and battleactions cannot be cleared by any command, they remain accessible for thirty days - a safeguard against embezzlement and crooked individuals.