The simplest way to assemble commodities in your city or village is to use trading caravans. Sometimes transporting large amounts of a commodity is difficult - dangerous in that a thief or an enemy may try to rob you, and unwieldy since huge batches of a commodity can be difficult to carry. Some commodities cannot even be purchased without the aid of a caravan. Appropriate ministers and aides can type CARS to list city caravans and their whereabouts, CAR REQUEST to request use of a caravan to trade, and CAR RETURN to return the caravan and store its contents after use.
- cars
Caravan #4881 (0gp) Whereabouts: Store of City Mercinae.
Caravan #4890 (0gp) Whereabouts: Store of City Mercinae.
Caravan #4909 (0gp) Whereabouts: Store of City Mercinae.
Caravan #4914 (0gp) Whereabouts: Store of City Mercinae.
Caravan #4915 (0gp) Whereabouts: Store of City Mercinae.
Mercinae has 5 trading caravans.
- car request 4881
You order the trading caravan from its housing to Before the council tower where it awaits a driver.
[Then, in the presence of the caravan...]
You enter a trading caravan.
Inside a trading caravan.
- steer w
You steer a trading caravan west.
Pathway on Tooth Island.
[Take the trading caravan to the commodity store of your target village and check GOODS to see what is available...]
[Do your buying directly from the driver's seat and the goods will be placed into your caravan - safer than trading openly if large amounts are involved...]
[Business completed? Then steer your caravan back home, get OUT once you are arrived safely...]
[Then, steer your caravan back to the start and...]
- car return 4881
You send a city official scuttling out to bring the trading caravan in and deposit its goods in the city resources.