Most of Avalon is kept within its boundaries and role is respected and delimited by each individual as they prefer - and those around them act accordingly. HELP ROLE is one of the realm's most important documents and a rare crossover of guidelines for players and actual "rules". Keep its content in mind as you learn about and perhaps use the SEND command.
Syntax: SEND EMAIL <recipient group>/<persona> [<replyto>] [ABOUT <subject>].
This command is available only to the highest ranks. It allows the sender to reach out via E-MAIL to those players under his/her duty of care. Prince and Prime Minister and Cardinal may e-mail citizens and guildmembers of allied guilds to their own city. Guildmaster and Head Tutor can reach members of the guild. Lorecouncil can communicate with the active profession while the Head of the Lorecouncil can send to the entire profession past and present. High Priests are able to communicate to Order members (if the privs are enabled by the patron deity).
Emails sent using SEND EMAIL will go out with "sender" defined by the position represented e..g. sent on behalf of a city - Mercinae for example - would go out as from while the "receiver" is either an individual persona or a group (see below). The actual e-mails of sender and receiver are not shown at any stage so as not to compromise anybody's privacy.
Email subject should be included in your SEND EMAIL command, after you have specified the receiver group or character and an optional "replyto" address, add ABOUT and then everything you type after ABOUT will become the e-mail's subject. Mail sent sing this system will go out using Avalon's whitelisted mail daemon and this means it is unlikely to be treated as spam/junk but will also not reach anyone who has told Avalon they do not want e-mails from us.
Syntax: SENT <person>/<group of recipients>.
Gives you a rundown of the delivery / received status of a recent correspondence sent using SEND EMAIL so you can see how many of those listed to receive actually got your mail, how many read it, how many were impossible to reach, etc.
Syntax: SEND WHO <group as below>.
This command shows you the individuals (citizens, guildmembers, ordermates) reached by an e-mail sent by specifying a particular group.
Most often the EMAIL SEND is used to communicate with groups and these groups are as follows:
Prince, Prime Minister, Cardinal:
CITIZENS for all members of your city
BARONS for the entire barony
MINISTERS for all those holding ministry positions
GOVERNMENT for all ministers, deputies and barons; all high government
Prince, PM, Field Marshall:
MILITARY for all military personnel including Field Marshall aides and above
COMMANDERS for those ranked Colonel or higher
PEOPLE for all active citizens
Prince, Prime Minister, Cardinal, PR Minister:
NOVICES for those still in novicehood; yet to finish the accolades or school courses
YOUNGSTERS for LW post-graduates yet to reach junior status
JUNIORS for those of MW stature or below
MIDDLING for all citizens of "middling" stature
INVOLVED for all citizens involved in civic or ministry affairs including aides
SENIORS for all citizens of "senior" standing
NOBILITY for all city nobles; those above Knight or Dame rank
ELECTORATE for all citizens potentially eligible to vote in elections
ELIGIBLE for all citizens currently eligible to vote
Guildmaster, Deputy GM (if allowed) and Head Tutor:
MEMBERS for all members of your guild
FELLOWS for all those of fellow ranking
ELDERS for all guild elders
APPRENTICES for all guild apprentices
MASTERS for all of Master rank and above
PROFESSIONALS for all guild members non-apprenticed
COUNCIL for all members of the Lorecouncil
LOREMASTERS for all Loremaster professionals
High Priest and Senior Priesthood:
ORDER for all fellow order members including supplicants
PRIESTHOOD for Priests of the order
SUPPLICANTS for supplicants to the order
FOLLOWERS for all order members above supplicant status
UPPER for upper order only
Personal Recipient Groups:
FRIENDS for all those declared a friend of rank 25 or above
ALLIES for all those declared a friend of rank 50 or above
BRETHREN for all those declared a friend of rank 75 or above
BELOVED for closest friends; those declared 100
Foreign / Avalonwide Groups:
LEGENDS for all those of LEGEND standing and above
COUNCILS for all Barons in the land
LEADERS for all those considered a leader
GUILDMASTERS for all guildmasters of all guilds
GODLY for all Gods
ROYALTY for nobility of all cities
MARSHALLS for all Field Marshalls in the land
GENERALS for all those of General rank in the military
AMBASSADORS for all city Ambassadors and Foreign Affairs officials
When you issue the SEND EMAIL command and assuming the recipient (or group) is valid and your subject is included correctly, you will be taken into the Avalon text editor for line by line mail content. It is the same setup as the much beloved bulletin board post editor. You conclude your e-mail content the same way as a BB post with .X or *X (depending on your client) and this will bring you to the last stage: you will need to type YES to confirm the sending of the e-mail. Do so and off it will fly straight away. You will start to receive confirmations of delivery under SENT command within minutes (at most).