The city stalls are the lifeblood of economic activity within the three cities. None of the villages have stalls of this kind. Cities have between five and seven stalls, each referenced by a name which corresponds to the type of stall; Magic, Livestock, Weapons, Clothing, Food, etc. Stock rooms for the stalls are inaccessible to mortals (no matter how competent their Thievery or how devious their techniques). Items can be added to the stalls only if they have been previously added to the city resources. All cities and villages have a huge resource store (also inaccessible) in which items may be kept safely.
In the cities, the resource stores tend to hold goods not yet being offered for sale in the stalls, while in villages, the resources hold the possessions of the village, safe from robbery. Type CITY RESOURCES to review a list of all items held in the resources. CITY RESOURCE ADD followed by an item, and, optionally, a number of items to be added, will add items to the resources, or CITY RESOURCE REMOVE followed by an item and, optionally, a number to be removed, will remove items from the resources.
- city resources
"caravan4881" A trading caravan Value: 10gp.
"caravan4890" A trading caravan Value: 10gp.
"caravan4909" A trading caravan Value: 10gp.
"caravan4914" A trading caravan Value: 10gp.
"caravan4915" A trading caravan Value: 10gp.
"foil148" A dashing foil Value: 100gp.
"foil2499" A dashing foil Value: 100gp.
"foil2504" A dashing foil Value: 100gp.
- city resource add foil2504 3
You add a dashing foil (foil2504) to the Mercinae Store [3 times].
- city resource remove foil 3
You remove a dashing foil (foil2504) from the Mercinae Store [3 times].
Ministers may see an overview of all the city stalls and the stall names by typing CITY STALLS. To list the contents of an individual stall type CITY STALL LIST followed by the name of the stall. To add items to a specific stall, type CITY STALL ADD, followed by an item, followed optionally by the number of items of that type you wish to add. To remove items from a stall type CITY STALL REMOVE, followed by an item, followed optionally by the number of items you wish to remove. While items exist in the resources, their sale price may be set. This is done using the CITY SALEVALUE command - type CITY SALEVALUE, followed by an item type (e.g. CLOAK), followed by the price you wish to sell at. This will automatically set up all items corresponding to that type to the new price, ready to be added to the stalls and sold on to the general public.
- city stalls
The Market-Place of Mercinae
[Mclothing] 15 items worth 320 gold coins.
[Mfood] 5 items worth 15 gold coins.
[Mweapons] 0 items worth 0 gold coins.
[Mgeneral] 46 items worth 1276 gold coins.
[Mlivestock] 0 items worth 0 gold coins.
[Mmagic] 12 items worth 0 gold coins.
Your stalls will not sell to enemies of the city.
- city salevalue foil 105
You set a dashing foil (foil148) as of value 150gp.
You set a dashing foil (foil2499) as of value 150gp.
You set a dashing foil (foil2504) as of value 150gp.
- city stall add mweapons foil 5
You place a dashing foil (foil2504) in the weapons stall [3 times].
- city stall list mweapons
"foil148" A dashing foil. 150gp. (x3)
Stall [Weapons] has 3 item(s).
- city stall remove mweapons foil 3
You remove a dashing foil (foil2504) from the weapons stall [3 times].
Ministers may also determine who their stalls sell to, using the CITY SELL command. Typing CITY SELL ALL will open the stalls to everybody. CITY SELL FRIENDS will sell only to those declared as friends in the city's feelings, CITY SELL NEUTRAL will sell to all those not declared as enemies, while CITY SELL CITIZENS will sell only to citizens of the city. This can be useful when a city is undergoing shortages of particular goods, or when a city wishes to keep prices for its own citizens low without benefiting those from another town.