The continent of Avalon was colonised by humans migrating from the far-flung islands of the eastern oceans. The exact origin of humanity is unknown, although the Avalonian continent has undoubtedly become its largest foothold. The date of the first colonisation was some four millennia before the fateful divine war, and the original cities were those of Ilmarael and Pagea. Both of these cities have long since vanished into ruins. The most ancient of the villages are Eleusis, river-town, and Snowfoot of the north. The villages of Kristanisti, Astrea's Delta and Eastpoint are also old, and guard jealously their insular communities. You should examine the Avalon map at the end of this book to find the location of the many villages which speckle the northern and northeastern plains and foothills of the continent.
Mercinae is the oldest of the three major cities. It pre-dates the divine war by some six hundred years, and even before then was a bustling town-port. Parrius has only recently expanded in size to warrant the title of a city under the patronage of Lady Augustine, while the formation of Thakria is described in The Birth of Thakria section. The remains of Ilmarael can be found in the Greenwood forest to the northwest of Mercinae, whilst the fate of Pagea is described in the Doom of Pagea section. The remnants of Pagea are the towns of Ariadne and Krempton, both of which can be found to the west of Parrius.