The invasion of Mercinae of 870 was the part of the first major war of the modern era, pitting Thakria against Mercinean and Parrian alliance. It was masterminded in Thakria by Snowlock and Nostradamus, ably supported by Trekker, Grendel and Derillion. Mercinae had long been neglected, and its primary Barons, Isildur (who had fled) and Palin were absent. Invasion battlements were erected without conflict all over Mercinae and Thakria, with such overwhelming economic superiority, manned the battlements with legions of their Black Knights.
Snowlock assembled a legion of two hundred and fifty thousand cavaliers, a force capable of destroying anything Mercinae could muster. Castigere, god of justice and patron of Mercinae was thwarted in his attempts to rescue his city, for Nostradamus counteracted him at every turn. The god of justice did, however, secure eight hundred thousand pieces of gold from Conteck of the Animists, gold used in the defence of Mercinae. The first night of the invasion was inconclusive. Mercinae launched a number of attacks against the individual invaders but could not break down any of the battlements.
The second night was more eventful. With the gold from the Animists, Mercinae was in a position to launch a full defence and, after a discussion among its Barons, Parrius made the fateful decision to back Mercinae with its military might. Parrius' army matched that of Thakria and to the northeast of Mercinae, Parrius' pirate legions led by Garet Jax and Tarakin stormed the Thakrian battlements. Castigere, however, could take no more - with no mortals from his own city to be directed by him, he handed over patronage of his city to Genesis. The god of time brought his High Priest into Mercinae to defend it, and an army was raised of Mercinaen soldiers to attempt to break Thakria's siege. All over Mercinae battles were taking place, between individuals and legions.
Mercinae's lesser army was moved into one battlement and then another, probing for a weak point, but each time Snowlock was able to move his superior numbers in and rout the Mercinaen troops. Finally, though, a weakness was found in a battlement outside Mercinae's Tooth Island. Nalek of Parrius surrounded it with his rituals and Zollrender led the remaining, weakened Mercinaen army in. Reinforcements would have ended Mercinae's defence, but, while leading in his army, Snowlock made a fatal mistake and was caught and slain by Nalek for the first and only time. The Thakrian army foundered without a leader and, after a furious exchange within the battlements, the critical legion of Thakrian Knights was defeated. Zollrender broke down the battlement and, for the time, ended the siege.
The aftermath of the invasion, though, was widespread. Mercinae, though it had defeated the Thakrian invasion and broken the siege, did not have the resources to fight on. Rather than squander its remaining gold, and in the absence of a patron and Barons to defend it, the city was given over to Thakria to prevent a second unstoppable attack. Mercinae bought its survival at the price of its freedom. The entire continent was demilitarised for a period and Nostradamus, god of the stars was installed as patron of Mercinae. Mercinae's commodities were offered up to the Gods, to prevent them falling into Thakrian hands and Nostradamus was left with the task of rebuilding the battered city.
It was Snowlock's finest hour bar Ordination itself for he had built Thakria and equipped its legions and led the invasion, unsuccessful in the first battle but so well-planned and in such overwhelming force that even the breaking of the first siege was little more than breathing space. It will be a great standard for years to come. Snowlock departed the Thakria he had built up to take over Thaneship of Coriona by the Mountain of Sapience. Derillion was left to deal with the post-invasion Thakria but it was wealthy and strong. After a time, Nostradamus sickened of Mercinae and returned to Thakria, where his heart lay. Castigere took up patronage of Mercinae once again to begin the long journey down the road of revenge.