The following is an account of the appointment of Xanthe, goddess of vengeance from the mortal Kylan. It took place on the 11th day of Midsummer, 990.
Rock pinnacle.
Dawn has lit the sky with her streamers of rosy red. Sitting on the snow-crowned tip of the rocky spire, you survey a cloudscape of a truly wondrous splendour and beauty. Rock-snow mountaintops rise up, adrift on a smooth white cloud-sea, sparkling in blazing sunlight. Against the whiteness below, the dome of the sky is a deep blue hemisphere atop the horizon, the sun a bright disc shining down through stray streamers of mist. The air is bitingly cold, but to you, a mortal privileged to visit what is surely the realm of the Gods, it seems merely invigorating. To your left, casting dancing watery reflections against the surrounding rocks, is a deep pool of mountain water, while at the foot of the pinnacle is the mountain village of Archangel, sacred village of Genesis, the god of time. There is a distinct feeling of privacy here.
Genesis, the god of time is here, bathed in divine splendour.
The Diabolus is here, bathed in divine splendour.
Apollo, the god of light is here, bathed in divine splendour.
Castigere, the god of justice is here, bathed in divine splendour.
Rhadamanthys, the god of compassion is here, bathed in divine splendour.
Magellan, god of civilisation is here, bathed in divine splendour.
Wraith is here, bathed in divine splendour.
Also present: Hero, Weasal, Gandalph, Omacron, Taolin, Taliesin, Zenichiro, Grundy, Kandar, Tanglong, Flagg, Lirril, Lurkalot, Nathan, Alecto, Secer, Kes, Blade, Diocletian, Arthor, Shadwwblade, Csl, Dempsey, Gwendolyn, Groog, Panamon, Loric, Zippy, Cleindori, Nighteagle, Dhonuill, Sautoir, Basilisk, Geist, Neidhart, Tipsy, Ixpah, Wolfsong, Saphir, Orielle, Cimares, Exeter, Giliad, Dartanian, Skruff, Calagan, Slade, Plaman, Hellchaser, Trefoil, Sajora, Telgalon, Ithakus, Tarkus, Marik, Dani, Warfarin, Gringle, Griswald, Mestopholies, Alleria, Zakath, Blotto.
Castigere, the god of justice dances the ritual of Divine Peace.
Genesis, the god of time says, "Kylan is making her way here on foot, as is fitting.".
A great, winged wyvern carries Kylan into view from the below.
Genesis, the god of time says, "Welcome Kylan.".
[ mortal greetings omitted ]
Kylan curtsies gracefully to the Gods present.
Kylan hands Hope, the radiant girl to Lady Alecto.
Genesis, the god of time says, "Time to begin.".
Genesis, the god of time says, "Mortals, leave off speaking or emoting until the appointment is performed.".
Genesis, the god of time says, "Following this appointment Castigere will be running a 50 question quiz, with a divine artifact as main prize.".
Genesis, the god of time says, "After this will be the appointment of Grundy to the divine order.".
Genesis, the god of time says, "This, however, is Kylan's final and finest hour.".
Genesis, the god of time says, "Just as Aldaron was first to be appointed a deity, Kylan is the latest in a long line of illustrious Avalonians.".
Genesis, the god of time says, "She has served city, guild and patron with fervour and great heart for years now.".
Wreathed in robes of light-blue, Orthwein, the god of fate steps down from an
unseen stairway.
Genesis, the god of time says, "It is in recognition of this, of her contribution in so many areas of the land, her driving spirit and lustre that she is being given this opportunity to join the ranks of the divine.".
Genesis, the god of time says, "Kylan, before I continue, I have two questions to ask of you.".
Kylan says, "Yes, Lord?".
Genesis, the god of time says, "Firstly, do you consent here and now to abandon your mortal form and come up, to Olympus, as a goddess and equal of the divine?".
Kylan says, "I do".
Genesis, the god of time says, "And secondly, what realm do you wish for your godly form?".
Kylan says, "Vengeance".
Kal Zakath grins in an amiable manner.
Genesis, the god of time says, "Mortal, desist any contribution.".
Genesis, the god of time says, "Vengeance it shall be, then.".
Genesis, the god of time says, "But before I can make this appointment the deities here present must lend their consent to your elevation.".
Genesis, the god of time says, "Gods of Avalon I will ask you one by one for your blessing and your comment on this latest appointment.".
Genesis, the god of time says, "If any of you should deny Kylan at this late hour her appointment then she will be denied entry to Olympus by me.".
Genesis, the god of time says, "Rhadamanthys, first you.".
Rhadamanthys, the god of compassion says, "I do consent to Kylan's appointment. I am confident you will do as well in the Halls of Olympus, as you have done in the mortal realms".
Kylan gives Rhadamanthys, the god of compassion an encouraging smile.
Genesis, the god of time says, "Diabolus, your turn.".
The Diabolus says, "I consent to Kylan's appointment but she will find herself no equal of mine.".
The Diabolus bares his teeth.
Genesis, the god of time says, "Magellan?".
Magellan, god of civilisation says, "From highpriestess of Darkness to being in control of your own realm, good luck, and welcome".
Genesis, the god of time says, "Castigere, god of justice, your word?".
Castigere, the god of justice says, "I consent to her appointment, though I am sure in the years ahead we will have much to argue about.".
The Diabolus shocks you with a sudden snore.
Genesis, the god of time says, "Orthwein, god of fate?".
Wreathed in robes of light-blue, Orthwein, the god of fate steps down from an unseen stairway.
Genesis, the god of time raises his left eyebrow and glances at Orthwein, the
god of fate.
Orthwein, the god of fate says, "I gladly give my consent, and hope that she achieves as much in her divine form as she did as a mortal.".
Genesis, the god of time says, "Wraith, one of my earliest appointments and still lingering in the pantheon, what say you?".
Wraith says, "'nuvver goddess in 'lympus! Good! Now we got one for cooking and one for laundry!".
Wraith hands a nightgown embroidered with bunny rabbits to Kylan.
Wraith says, "No starch please!".
Wraith says, "Oops," and ducks down quickly.
Genesis, the god of time grins in an amiable manner.
Kylan gives Wraith an encouraging smile.
Genesis, the god of time says, "Finally, and not least of those here gathered, Apollo?".
Apollo, the god of light says, "I believe Kylan has shown herself to be worthy of this gift over a great many years of trial and triumph. I wish her luck and will not stand in her way.".
Apollo, the god of light smiles encouragingly at Kylan.
Genesis, the god of time says, "Then all approve of Kylan's appointment.".
Genesis, the god of time says, "So it is with great anticipation and expectation that I conclude this ceremony. Kylan, you have been given the opportunity most mortals can only dream of.".
Genesis, the god of time says, "You will be trusted with divine might, with the well-being of this land, with freedom to act for good or for ill.".
Genesis, the god of time says, "You will answer only to me in your words and deed.".
Genesis, the god of time says, "So be it.".
There is a flash of light and Kylan is gone.
Xanthe, goddess of vengeance is borne in on a bower of anguished denizens of the underworld.
Castigere, the god of justice greets Xanthe, goddess of vengeance with a smile.
Genesis, the god of time says, "Welcome, Xanthe.".
Rhadamanthys, the god of compassion cries, "You are most welcome!" to Xanthe, goddess of vengeance.
Genesis, the god of time says, "Mortals, you may act freely.".
Apollo, the god of light smiles encouragingly at Xanthe, goddess of vengeance.
Wraith lifts a chocolate cake out from inside a nightgown embroidered with bunny rabbits.
Wraith hands a chocolate cake to Xanthe, goddess of vengeance.
[ mortal greetings omitted ]
Wraith wants to know where his clean nightgown is.
Genesis, the god of time says, "Castigere, leave 15 minutes before this big quiz.".
Castigere, the god of justice nods his head at Genesis, the god of time.
Genesis, the god of time says, "Remember all that the appointment of Grundy will begin after the quiz.".
A clock chimes in the distance and Genesis, the god of time is gone.
Diabolus fades away gradually into nothingness.
Castigere, the god of justice intones, "The quiz will begin at ten minutes past eleven, by the Avalon clock. Further details will be given then.".
Shadows return as Apollo, the god of light departs.
Castigere, the god of justice flails his sword about his head and is consumed in a maelstrom of light.
Sir Arthor, Scion of Darkness shouts, "Behold! Xanthe, goddess of Vengeance takes her place as Guildpatron of the Cavaliers.".
Warrior Tanglong shouts, "Warriors are proud to announce Xanthe, Goddess of Vengeance is now our guild patron.".