Shortly after his Ordination, Shaitan's godly form, The Messiah met with a difficult realisation. While a mortal, Shaitan was free to roam the land, attempting to slaughter and maim where he would. However, Gods operate on a different level. With ultimate power at their fingertips and the ability to crush any mortal, forever, with a single command, there is no more competition. Dismayed at his new followers' lack of lust for blood, The Messsiah took to challenging mortals directly and attempting to crush their spirits with his divine powers.
The other Gods, though, would not suffer such behaviour against their mortal flocks and before long, The Messiah realised that direct action as a God against any mortal with an active patron was impossible. He despaired and after a clash with Orthwein, the god of fate, against whose might he could not yet compete, he was cast from the heavens - his divine powers shattered.
Part-penitent, part-pragmatic, he presented the shadow of his former godly avatar to Genesis and Aldaron in Olympus. Divine judgment was passed and The Messiah relinquished his divine status. Shaitan's spirit lingered on, returned to mortal Avalon to ponder his hasty decisions. As an ordained mortal, though, he had earned the right forever to be at least a Demi-God. After making peace with the god of fate, it was no surprise when Lazarus, the god of pain rose from the ashes of The Messiah to take up divine status once more. The Messiah's decision to relinquish his divine status for a time signalled the silent return of The Diabolus, the omnipotent evil.