In this edition of the Avalon Echo...
Avalon's macro system has been massively expanded to include internal ALIASES, VARIABLES, PRESETS (default variables) and PAUSES (to set delays between commands) with internal GAG, TRIGGER and HIGHLIGHT facilities coming very soon. These will let you play from any device in the world and you will NEVER lose your settings!
The Thakrian Assassins Guild constructs a new guildhouse in Silverfalls just in time to watch the razing of their chapterhouses
New seasonal strategies by the cities all but invent a new calendar of intense mercantile, PvP and warfare battles over tributes - these are a lifeline for city resources with Silverfalls and Mercinae as busy as Thakria and Parrius as all four collide and jostle for supremacy
Gamesystem updates continue apace with ten one-to-one development SESSIONS available over the coming week. These are guaranteed chunks of time with Gods for development and feedback. Book yours today in Avalon or contact for details
Another summer draws to an end! Mindful of this, until 5th September, enjoy HALF PRICE on all goods and services from the curiosity shops, procurement and custom bespoke items
The 50% reduction from the curiosity shop is limited in scope but the PROFESSION REBUILD including training and alias setup remains available as a long-term option for ALL old Avalonians: very simply it is a free 'turn back the clock' to restore former glories in the defining profession of days past. Equipment included. History matters and no realm compares to Avalon. It is brought to life by the return of past legends but be under no illusions: the honeymoon period is a procession and its end - in true Avalon style - can be brutal and raw and challenging. Carpe diem only if you can face its exposing regard!
Sessions given due importance now provide a scheduled, reliable way to voice issues and collaborate on the development of your profession or your areas of interest (as well as address your bugs and bugbears). Development is diverse and this is the way to make sure your bit of the world gets its due: sessions guarantee focus and attention: a few hours to make better thousands to come. Check SESSIONS for how to request and review the schedule. There are at least ten each week.
Ashvani, goddess of the moon returns to Avalon, immediately clashing with Thakria and Parrius; her failed bargain with Mercinae a rapidly fading memory in the expanding city of Silverfalls
Dozens return to Avalon throughout summer 2015, among them the legendary Tragnarion busily setting up his internal aliases for battle, Erev unleashing the True Mystic companions and Jordan - already Deputy Public Relations Minister in Mercinae
Conspiracy to defraud Thakria on a vast scale! The erstwhile Thakrian Prince, Zio of the Thieves, tries to steal half a million gold stolen from the Chancellory. Turns out to be just part of a plot masterminded by recently returned Lukien (in heavily disguise). Bringing Zio to heel was a mere side show to the ambitious infiltration and attempted robbery. The traitors were exposed: cunning Mae and some ragamuffin sorcerers fled to Silverfalls, much relieved to reach the protection of Ashvani, goddess of the moon.
Lukien restored to barony and Justice Minister in Silverfalls after triumphant but abortive conspiracy against Thakria. He wins mastery of the Craftmasters Guild, now to be known as the Sentinels Guild.
Pity the humbled Zio, forced to return the stolen gold by an indignant Elmaethor, left with little to show for having played the role of obedient side-kick save a traitor's exile and the charity of the Parrian mission.
Battlefield action is sparse as the cities enter a phase of jockeying for influence: Thakria and Silverfalls compete for the Steppes and Silverfalls, busily training legions and forging weapons, pray to aviod war on two fronts.
Parrian armies besiege and destroy the fortfications in Nassau, legions streaming into the Silverfallian village from tunnels under the rivers and boiling thousands of surprised defenders in a glut of boiling oil.
Parrius digs in to defend Nassau and raises the imperial standards to claim the new territory. All went to plan until the confident Parrians let themselves a few hours well-earned repose. The Silverfallian struck, manoeuvering by secret ways into the heart of sleeping Parrian soldiery; and then slaughtering every last Parrian!
A myriad of new SHAPES and FORMS are available - these are the domain of the Guildmaster, Deputy Guildmaster and Elders (if chosen) allowing guilds great autonomy in issuing unique forms to their members. Guildmasters of the Rangers (Thaelyn), Brigands (Satsuki), Animists (Maud) and Druids (Bladien) guilds in particular are able to create brand new and exciting bear, wolf and tree forms for deserving members
Anikseth is raised in full to the knightly order, beginning a new chapter of glory for the ancient guild of Knights
Laramyn of the Warriors is made Deputy Field Marshall of Parrius as the eastern city reorganises its military and promises to wage a war of liberation on the downtrodden people of Avalon
Ezren of the Thieves claims victory in Genesis' grand quiz claiming the biggest prize pot in living memory, with August's quiz won by Laramyn in a hotly contested finale.
Ordination XII continues with further gem quests planned for late Summer and early Autumn 2015
Dear Avalonians,
Summer marches onwards and 2015 has been a year of unprecedented growth for Avalon; seeing the land reach heights never-before-scaled and step into a period of prosperity scarcely before seen by any of the modern generation. The Golden Age as it has been termed is on its way again as scores of new juniors step through the void to face down Avalon's unique challenge, clashing on a battlefield first bloodied over a quarter of a century ago and facing many of those self-same grizzled veterans who departed Avalonian shores before many of the current crop were even born and have themselves returned fresh and galvanised for action. Avalon remains the most challenging and immersive game of any kind, anywhere; the first world war is on the horizon, the cities swell with numbers dynamic, busy, active and restless in their pursuit of excellence, the fuse has been lit on this powder keg of competitive conflict and you do not want to miss out!
The Avalon macro system is expanded greatly with internal aliases and variables and more
The traditional numbered Avalon macros have been expanded to allow the use of ALIASES, VARIABLES, PRESETS (default variables) and PAUSES (to set delays between commands) with internal GAG, TRIGGER and HIGHLIGHT facilities coming very soon. These should allow a great degree of flexibility within Avalon and reduce reliance on clients, allowing you to fight and trade and wage war from any computer or mobile device in the world!
An example of an Avalon alias and preset in action, allowing a single alias to intuitively fill, light and smoke a pipe with just one command:
[FIR=NONE] 2002/2002h, 584/2002m e - alias mall @usemalloran
ALIAS @ "mall" is new [2524]
ALIAS @ "mall" now "@usemalloran"
[FIR=NONE] 2002/2002h, 584/2002m e - mall
1 Malloran out.
[FIR=NONE] 2002/2002h, 584/2002m e - mall
You pack a wooden pipe with a malloran bud.
[FIR=NONE] 2002/2002h, 584/2002m e - mall
You light a malloran bud in your pipe.
[FIR=NONE] 2002/2002h, 584/2002m e - mall
You suck deeply on the pipe, basking in the aroma of malloran.
[FIR=NONE] 2002/2002h, 584/2002m e -
Gamesystem updates continue with SESSIONS available over the next week
Work continues relentlessly on Avalon's gamesystem and August 2015 will see the return of SESSIONS. Players are able to claim these surgeries as dedicated chunks of time with the Gods to focus on development, tweaks and fixes to their professional and general skills in addition to gaining unique insight into the development process. The sessions are a guaranteed opportunity for personal and professional attention, ensuring that feedback and concerns are heard and issues are fixed (often immediately!). Type SESSIONS in Avalon to see the dates and themes available and SESSION CLAIM to make a claim.
Everyone is able to type UPDATES in Avalon to see the full list spanning some three years. For the 'Echo', here is a sample of recent changes from the last two weeks alone:
ALL skills now show the next abilities to be obtained including lessons required for acquisition.
The HERBS, POISONS, HEALING, ELIXIRS and RUNES ability help files (AB ) have been comprehensively updated throughout to include (in many cases) detailed information on cures, remedies and defensive countermeasures.
Ranger and Druid professional Guildmasters (and Elders if chosen) are now able to create and issue their own unique bear and tree forms to veteran members.
Falconry and Ornithology owl-eye powers have been expanded and fixed.
Knight professionals will find two new abilities at high level Weaponry focusing on mastery of blunt crushing weapons
Ranger profession treetops have been expanded to cover all four corners of the world with over a hundred different swinging routes available using the forestry vines including springing back whence one came...
All city civic personnel are able to use the ARSENAL command to review their military stockpiles, and the SECURITY command to review homeland security status of important buildings
It is now possible to BRIBE multiple enlistable men in one go in addition to them being found via PRESCIENCE
Healing of health and mana has undergone various balance tweaks and alterations to ensure reasonable maximum healing potential.
The map around the Greenwood, the mountains of Thaumacie, Angelwood, Eleuthera, Abbotswood, Ogg and the entire northern Steppes has been adjusted to fit into the warfare battlefield / line of sight and coordinates system as intended.
It is now possible for Guildmasters to ENDAPPRENTICE junior members in rival-but-same-profession guilds, allowing youngsters to change loyalties without loss of skills penalty.
Alchemical lightarc and arclight is no longer so easily thwarted by the presence of balloons.
Bardic raven familiars now carry out their proper effects when not within the inventory of the Bard.
The use of wax keys and locksmiths is possible once again.
Sorcerers no longer inherit the giant health potential while appearing as human form within the fog.
Legion use of barricading, tunnelling and trench work on battlefield terrain has all been made functional.
The Avalon MAP now includes fortification presence to indicate blockages.
Sponsorship: Avalon is completely FREE to play
In January 2015, Avalon finalised its new model based on sponsorship (see HELP SPONSORSHIP) allowing players to play for free at the expense of the divine globe power of their cities, reputation of their guilds or might of their patrons. Sponsorship renews automatically for all sponsored players providing they remain active within Avalon and there is no cost associated with it nor ANY disadvantage to a sponsored player over a subscriber. It is our way to ensure Avalon is free to play with a player controlled exclusion of the obscene and the abusive.
Ashvani returns to Avalon and clashes with Void and Vengeance
For a decade did Ashvani lay dormant, her followers dispersed throughout the land and her influence on the land waning. In the early 1380s, Cornelius, the all-consuming and Xanthe, the goddess of vengeance, patrons of Thakria declared the Moon Goddess to be anathema to the City of Miracles, beginning a theocratic campaign against her statues, marks and even her shrines as the citizens of Thakria waged war against the Moon.
It was Zio who sent Thakrian troops against Ashvani's Thakrian shrine, razing it to the ground and bellowing a cry to the land that Thakria would no longer tolerate her presence. The followers of Void and Vengeance began to expand their edict, spreading their influence into the very heart of the Moon Goddess' territory: the village of Isabella. Amid the fire and smoke of unholy Obeisance did Ashvani make her return to the land; striking down the blasphemous mortals and instantly galvanising her Silverfallian loyalists into beacons of her cause as she herself rose into the skies, issuing a condemnation to the actions of Cornelius and Xanthe.
While battles raged throughout Isabella among broken statues, defiled markings and ruined shrines, the gods themselves did battle in the Heavens; igniting the skies with fire and lightning, their voices outraged and furious in their intonation. 'ENOUGH!' screamed Xanthe, casting off the fetters of her avatar and donning her true form of immortality. Hurling a fulgent globe of pure divine might through the skies, the Dark Lady of Vengeance struck down the Moon Goddess and reaffirmed her orders that all influence of the Moon must be destroyed before all fell silent in the wake of a divine contest...
The Assassins relocate to Silverfalls after the razing of their Thakrian abode
It is some 105 years since the Assassins splintered from the Thieves, ending a period of professional unity that lasted over two centuries. Those hundred years have seen the original guild grow and grow in riches, membership and influence over the land until - finally - in the year 1383, Zio, Calagan and Droxon executed a plan that would see the Thakrian branch of the Assassins destroyed; a first step in the reunification of the profession under the banner of the Thieves Guild.
For a year prior, the three senior thieves had begun to recall all thief troops from foreign guildhalls, drawing them to Thakria in readiness for their strike. In the dark of Midwinter, 1383 aDW, Zio and Droxon led a contingent of ten thousand thief soldiers into the streets of Thakria. For an Avalon week, the legionnaires battered at the doors of the Assassins Guild until the way open was clear. Marching swiftly through the darkened halls, the troops came upon the barracks; smashing down too those doors and engaging the six thousand Assassin forces stationed within. The battle - if it can even be termed such - was short, the troops poorly trained, badly equipped and in no way ready for a fight. The massacre lasted several hours until no troops remained, and in their wake, the destruction began. The two senior thieves systematically plundered, set ablaze and ultimately destroyed every location within the guildhall until nothing remained but a hollow, burning shell.
Borrak, recently returned to the land and newly installed guildmaster, in his desperation made a plea to move the guild to Silverfalls; preserving the few remaining legions and commodities in doing so and establishing the formerly derelict northern sub-guild as the Assassin's primary dwelling. In doing so, the chief-assassin pledged great vengeance on the Thieves, and the next chapter in this professional conflict spanning centuries is yet to be written...
Dozens return to Avalon as population continues to grow and grow and grow
Summer 2015 has seen Avalon's period of growth and expansion continue into territory unparalleled and it is not stopping now! Many old and not so old Avalonians have made a return to the land over the last weeks, some fleeting visits, some striding immediately into combat, government and politics with scarcely a blink!
Magelord Tragnarion, ancient enemy of the Sorcerers awoke into a Mercinae robust and growing; staking his claim to the Mage specialisation of Elementalism atop the Summit of the Tor and readying his internal aliases and variables for battle.
Erev, The Puppetmaster, often a frequent influential competitor in gem and flag quests, awoke to find his horde of True Mystic companions in fine health, beginning his cruade of mystic empathy once more.
Jordan of the Bards stormed back into Mercinae, taking the mantle of Deputy Public Relations Minister and sharing his intricate knowledge of the land with his fellow citizens of Light.
Welcome back to Lukien, Dreeman, Kahn, Diocletian, Epru, Dol, Jander, Zippy, Azoth, Zercom, Steppenwolfe, Sibyl, Sarak, Petros, Damas, Aruko, Dorita, Guinni, Skyler, Lyche, Eckret, Sapphira, Pollux, Rithos, Ruthian, Berinna, Malovas, Sabine, Cecil, Korchak, Cosmus, just a handful of the many returnees throughout summer 2015.
Of course with masses of returnees there are those whose time in Avalon grows less frequent and lay dormant; doubtless they shall reach Avalon's shores again, renewed and ready and raring to go once more! Saroman, Alister, Romago, Rajj and Seraphima are among those we hope to see again very soon!
Competion over warfare tributes heats up as the military calendar is redrawn
For a century, cities have reaped the rewards of their military spheres of influence and village conquests with relative ease; a predictable monthly schedule in which troops, gold and commodities were collected and easily swept into the city's coffers with little resistance or competition. No more! As the sun rose on the first days of the year 1384, the village clerks made known their intent: they decreed that tribute potentials would be issued once per season, in the months of Eleuthral, Springflower, Midsummer and Leaflost and - by dint of the less frequent deliveries - each season would see a greater concentration of commodities, gold and enlistables than ever before.
In line with this new village policy, the cities were informed that the enlistable men (formerly appearing in cramped taverns and village halls not designed for such numbers) would now roam the land in its entirety in smaller groups hoping to be found by their city military and enlisted into the army they had been promised to serve. With the calendar all but redrawn and tributes essential for a healthy treasury and military, citizens of Mercinae, Silverfalls, Thakria and Parrius have collided furiously, killing and battling over enlistment efforts, pouring hundreds of thousands of gold into bribes and coercion in order to swell their military forces and leaving no-holds-barred in order to do so, igniting an arms race that could see any of the four come out on top in what will doubtless be furious competition for many many years to come...
Until 5th September, ALL goods and services are HALF PRICE
To mark the end of the Summer and to sweeten the last weeks before the weather takes a turn for the worst, Avalon will be offering ALL curiosity shop products, ALL lesson procurement, and ALL custom bespoke descrption items for HALF PRICE until Saturday 5th September.
Everyone is welcome to take advantage of this limited time promotion and the myriad offers available. Perhaps you're thinking of returning to Avalon in a new profession? Well with half price lessons, now is the time to do so! Visit your local curiosity shop in Avalon or ZOOM SHOPPING to zip right there!
Thakria sheds citizens as a conspiracy theft is uncovered
The year 2015 has been a year of peerless growth for Avalon and it comes as no surprise that in the face of four cities boasting dynamic, active populations, that games of politics and conspiratorial intrigue would begin to rear their heads. So it was within Thakria where - after four years of moribund prince-ship - Prince Zio initiated brother Lukien into the crescent walls. Using junior sorceress Mae as naive accomplice, the two brothers, along with junior thief and occasional paramour to Mae, Shadovar conspired to steal from Thakria crucial commodities - numbering in the thousands - including the entire trading ministry's supply of seeds for future harvests.
Shadovar was the first to quit the city with an abundance of rope smuggled into his paws by Mae. In a confrontation with the Thakrian patrons, Prince Zio fled the city ignominiously, taking half a million coins from the city treasury along with him, with Lukien following shortly after. Alone in the city, the youthful Mae set about arranging her own departure, allowing Lukien into personal estates to greedily gather up the commodities in preparation for her exit. They had not counted on the Eyes of the Gods, however and as Lukien gleefully told tales of their successes, it was Mae who felt the ire of first Cornelius, Xanthe and then Elmaethor. Within the halls of Fanamar, Mae faced down the condemnations of the gods who laid her choices clear before her: return the commodities and swear an oath of loyalty to Thakria or have her reputation eternally tarnished with the stigma of abused trust and trickery.
Throughout this meeting, many whispering voices filled the ears of Mae - the Moon Goddess chief among them, promising salvation, forgiveness and freedom within Silverfalls. Heeding both the crooning voice of Ashvani and the persuasive tones of her co-conspirator Lukien, Mae chose to depart Thakria, returning the commodities to Cornelius before Elmaethor as witness and fleeing immediately to an audience with the Moon; joining Silverfalls, the Apostles and the Order of Ashvani in one fell swoop.
Thakria abides as it has done for almost six hundred years and in the wake of these departures, the city has decreed a return to its original purity and founding ideals; promising a resurgence that will beggar the belief of those who foolishly dismiss the city of the crescent moon...
Thakrian armies are beaten back by Silverfalls in the Battle for Barholm
It is the month of Agamnion, 1384. Thakria, still stinging from the battle-wounds left by Silverfalls are demanding vengeance. The city, cleansed of its toxic influence and idle citizenry, is restless. The Thakrian sphere of influence is the greatest in the land, its reach as far east as Isabella, the Alzir river and the edges of the northern Steppes; itself a great nexus of conflict between Silverfalls, Thakria and Mercinae three. But it is not enough. Necrophona, Thakrian Field Marshall and Mistress of the Sirens, announces to the city her intent: that she and her squadron of junior lieutenants shall march upon the Steppes and raise the crescent flag for all to see in decisive victory.
Marching boldly out along the Moonstone Quay, the Siren-General was accompanied by her New Model Army of Cadets: Arkturus, Willo, Zand, Azoth and Chiaroscruo, beside them some seven thousand trained Thakrians, ready for battle. After several days intensive marching, the Thakrian contingent reached the town of Isabella and began making their arrangements for crossing the Alzir river and breaching the enemy line.
Immediately they were set upon, the citizens of Silverfalls - among them Lukien, Fenris and Borrak - striking chaos into the Thakrians, raining alchemy, song enchantment and thiefly traps into their ranks until all were ghosts upon the ships of death, their legions still, awaiting orders. For ten Avalon days the two groups did collide, the Thakrians desperately inching their troops toward their destination, Silverfallians gradually sending legionnaires into the Steppes to lay mines, disrupt and sabotage, death coming fast as the lash of a whip. With a monumentous last effort, Arkturus and Chiaroscruo - implacable Siren protege of Necrophona - were able to lead two thousand troops into the Steppes and begin the Thakrian claim before succumbing once again to the clutches of death, the Siren herself having made a desperate cry to Thakria for aid before falling unconscious.
It was Phaith who heard this call, arriving to a scattered, chaotic Thakria as Silverfalls at last began to march a juggernaut legion to take on the Thakrians. Leaping into action, frantically racing up the rivers to get her bearings, the young cavalier reached the village of Ogg and was cut down where she stood. Seething from the death-ship, Phaith burst from the Pool of Life, racing once more along the Silverlight in frenzied desperation. Shouting battle cries to Thakria, demanding the city come to her aid, Phaith was able to commandeer a Thakrian legion of fifteen hundred men and begin her retreat as the emergent Thakrians - Zand, Maldor and Elweth among them - fell again and again and again to the Silverfallian fighters to distract them from the as-yet-unseen cavalier general.
Several hours passed, Thakrian blood spilled like a crimson river through the northern Steppes but Phaith, indefatigable, marched onward, eventually breaking onto the Alzir river where she called for her Thakrian troops in Isabella to lower the massive fortifications and allow her battered, but not broken, legion, inside to safety. Thakria had lost the day but learned valuable battlefield lessons from this skirmish, and doubtless the City of Miracles will only be deterred for so long...
Parrius and Silverfalls collide once more in the Battle for Nassau
Several weeks have passed since Silverfalls launched their guerilla campaign against Parrius, having slain almost ten thousand elite Parrian soldiers with barely a scratch to show for it. Full aware of the Silverfalls/Thakrian clash in the Steppes, Agarwain and Laramyn (Field Marshall and Deputy of Parrius) devised a plan to invade the village of Nassau under the very noses of the Lions.
Marching two full armies of soldiers into Ariadne, armed to the teeth and bearing scaffolds, barricades and oil-cauldrons aplenty, the Parrians - having heard rumours of secret underground passageways long forgotten - directed their troops to dig down into the earth in hopes of discovery. Down the Parrians dug, past hollow underground caverns, ignoring pockets of ores and oil buried within the Earth until at last, over a hundred feet down, a cry of triumph could be heard as the soldiers broken open the entrance to a massive tunnel-head.
Shouting orders with glee, the senior Parrians led their men in silence through this tunnel beneath Ariadne, following a snaking, dank, dark pathway not traversed for over a century since before the fall of Springdale. Satisfied they had travelled far enough, the order was given to begin tunnelling upwards, the troops lashing scaffolds to makeshift barricades and beginning their ascent. Up through the Earth they climbed, digging furiously until at last - sunlight bathed their faces - the Parrians had broken into Nassau.
Confident from their triumphs, the Parrians now accompanied by Princess Xion and newly admitted Zio began their work. Setting up a series of massive oil-cauldrons, the Parrian troops toiled for five days and nights loading and filling and igniting their oil until the smell of its acrid stench flooded the whole town. Silverfalls fighters poured into Nassau, exchanging blows with Parrians, briefly fighting them off before falling themselves and after days of bloody combat, the Parrian troops were ready. Hoisting their cauldrons, the thousands of gallons of boiling hot oil poured forth, engulfing the idle Silverfalls soldiers, setting them ablaze until their very flesh was scorched away from their bones. The fatal screams of over two thousand Silverfallian troops filled the air while the Parrians went to work, the disgusting smell of oil matched only by the putrid odour of burning flesh until - at last - none remained.
In the wake of countless death and slaughter, the Parrians began their claim, intending to claim fortified Nassau for their own. Confident in the strength of the forts, knowing that tunnels were the only way in, the Parrians set their troops and had not a care to give watch to what - in their minds - was already theirs. It was not to be. Though a month passed during which the flags of Silverfalls were torn valiantly down, all was not as it seemed as the Parrians dared to sleep. Prince Quinn of Silverfalls, swift becoming a war veteran himself, had other plans. While the exhausted Parrians lay in their beds, the Prince with his Field Marshall and Deputy Sloane and Lukien, utilised their knowledge of fortifications to enter Nassau from behind, marching confidently through Kristanisti in order to so. With barely a week remaining on the Parrian claim, the Silverfallians routed the troops, curtailing their attempted occupation and in doing so reaffirmed their own, bringing Nassau once again into the fold. For the second time in as many months, Silverfalls had struck a blow against the overconfident Parrius. What happens next remains to be seen...
Anikseth of Mercinae is knighted in a public ceremony
Too long has the guild of Knights remained rudderless without the leadership of Knight Paradigm Dunccan. The guild now finds itself under the leadership of Vithellia, Field Marshall of Mercinae and under her guidance, the guild has begun to return to its former prominence as recruitment efforts bear much fruit.
On the 22nd day of Midwinter, 1384 aDW, Knight-commander Vithellia summoned Anikseth to the Mercinaen Cathedral. Before all of Mercinaen high government and representatives from all four cities, Vithellia rose Anikseth in formality to the knightly order, bestowing upon him the title of 'Sir Anikseth' and marking a new chapter in the history of the Knights guild as its first new apprentice in decades reaches full knighthood, swearing an oath to the protection and prosperity of Mercinae...
Laramyn of the Warriors becomes Deputy Parrian Field Marshall
The Parrian war efforts continue as the eastern city locks heads with Mercinae, Thakria and Silverfalls on a daily basis. It was Agarwain and Xion who spearheaded Parrian expansion in the 1370s yet in the 1380s it is Laramyn who took charge of the Parrian campaign in Eleuthera and routed Silverfallian encroachment. The young guildmistress of the Warriors - a truefighter in her own right - was publicly recognised by Field Marshall Agarwain before all Parrian government by appointing her second in command of the entire Parrian military. What this means for Parrius remains to be seen, but it is known through the land that the Parrian war factory operates ceaselessly as the jewel of the east readies for World War...
Genesis hosts a resounding July quiz and Agarwain presides over August's
July's Avalon Quiz was hosted by Genesis, the god of time himself. The prize pot for this quiz stretched to heights never before seen in Avalon quiz history with all Gods present (Tyranis, Elmaethor, Cornelius, Xanthe and of course Genesis) pouring in artifacts, gold, lessons, warfare equipment and unique items aplenty. After a gruelling series of questions - in which there was much contention over answers - it was Ezren of the Thieves who emerged victorious by a slim margin over Maud and Mysterin - long time favourites for this most anticipated of quizzes. Dignified in the face of victory, the junior thief immediately offered up an artifact to each Maud and Mysterin and shared a significant portion of his lessons-prize with fellow juniors Willo and Rasui.
August's quiz took place on Wednesday, 19th August. Agarwain was unveiled as the guest Quiz Master and the Enchanter's past victories in quizzes made him an ideal choice. In a gruelling seres of Avalon and real world related questions, and the leaderboard trading places over half a dozen times in the second half, it was Laramyn who came out victorious, claiming her prize of $200 worth of banknotes.
The next Avalon Quiz will take place on Wednesday 16th September at Midnight by the Avalon clock / 7PM EST. Details (and Quiz Master) have yet to be announced, but once again a mammoth prize will be up for grabs! JOIN QUIZ to participate.
Ordination XII continues with further gem quests scheduled for late 2015
Illyism and Agarwain were the first victors in two gemquests held in May and June 2015, claiming the divine Sapphire and Onyx respectively and kicking off Avalon's TWELFTH Ordination after the ascension of Salvador in November 2014. Further gem quests are to be held throughout Summer and Autumn 2015 with the Cornelian, Ruby and Moonstone up for grabs.
Details of the quests have yet to be revealed but it can be certain that each will involve competitive combat of various kinds to ensure only the brightest and best stand before the pool of the Rock Pinnacle to stake their claim to Ordination contender status....
For a quarter of a century this most unique of game-worlds has persisted, igniting furious passions unparalleled in the hearts and minds of Avalonians. Do you still have the mettle to face Avalon's unique challenge? Join us and find out...