Memorable among the events of the more recent past is the siege of Kristanisti. Marie, formerly one of the esteemed leaders of Parrius, had fallen to arguing with the new blood in the city of her birth, and had quit Parrius in favour of a quieter life in the village of Kristanisti. However, she had many enemies, not least, the Prince of Thakria, and High Priest of the God of the Night, Shaitan. By cover of night, one evening, Shaitan decided that the time had come to silence Marie and squash her village.
Thakria marched on Kristanisti in Leaflost of the year 885, and Shaitan was supported by Kailess of the Mercinaen Knights and Enth of the Parrian Astrologers. He had imposed his will on Layla, then Princess of Parrius, who slyly supported his invasion with Parrian money. Shaitan also secured the neutrality of Mercinae by convincing the cowardly Isildur, then Prince of that city, that it would be in his best interests to stay out of the fray. Isildur had a long time hatred of both Marie, and of risk, so ch ose not to hinder Shaitan and the Thakrian invasion. Apollo, patron of Mercinae was silent.
The battle was long and hard, but the defence of Kristanisti was, in the end, to prove successful. The god of time, and patron of Marie, sent one of his Mage followers, Nataykk, together with Polgara, Conan, and Nelgin, to the defence of Kristanisti. Marie spent every resource the city could muster in raising an army for their defence, while Parrian and Mercinaen troops remained in their barracks. Shaitan, in the end, was outnumbered by his foes and forced to pull back when Layla, realising her folly in supporting Shaitan, promised Parrian support for Kristanisti. Thakrian troops were withdrawn.