Transform yourself for Halloween into a myriad of grotesque and fascinating shapes and forms
Celebrate All Hallows weekend Avalon style this year with the opportunity for all players to take on a number of uniquely weird, wonderful and terrifying metamorphoses! Stretch the boundaries of your imagination and feel your body twist, contort and transform into all kinds of shapes and forms with which to menace your enemies, strike terror into your friends and spend the day of Sunday 1st November as anything but your human self! Here are just some of the possibilities:
A winged harpy with a deadly scream, talons to lacerate and an accursed stare
A giant serpent slithering about the land in search of targets for its venom to fill its rapacious hunger
A phoenix born of the flame, winged to the heavens with sight to see all and a soaring swooping strike like nothing on earth
The dread child of Nosferatu - vampire incarnate - haunting the night for companions and victims; hypnotic, commanding, bloodthirsty, blinding in speed and mind and vainglorious ambition
The jack-o-lantern or living pumpkin: rolling or floating, grinning and hollow and frolicsome. But concealing a grotesque design for the form is infectious and the Great Pumpkin has just a day to take over the world!
Great dragons winged and full of fire to fill the heavens with flame and battle for supremacy against the denizens of undead arranged against them
A zombie of incredible strength and purpose; give chase and never rest until your prey is caught
A ghoul of terrible macabre hunger; feast on the flesh of the living and feel their life ebb away at your touch
The gorgon of G'harran; a head of venomous snakes and a look to turn flesh to stone
The vampire bat of winged flight and wicked speed
The dread werewolf of insatiable hunger and incredible energy
Trolls woken from the mountain slumber from the very stone to lay siege to the cities of mice and men
All will become clear! Stay tuned for further details.
The raffle tickets on All Souls Eve give a chance to win one of Avalon's most unusual trinkets: the wicker man. Raffle tickets can be bought from Elmaethor at the Meeting Place. Price negotiable. It is a dangerous artifact and one of its possibilities is depicted here @
Avalon's ancient celtic name, strangely enough, originates in the gaelic isle of apples and this is the crop of Summerisle in the clip shown above. No matter. The raffle winner shall keep the appointment book of the wicker man.