The date in Avalon is the 9th of Hindyear 1388. The date in another realm is Sunday October 11th 2015.
Twenty six years ago today, in another land far far away, the first lines were written of a strange language. By the end of that day there were hundreds of lines and since the language was one of creation, something unusual was made, something extremely simple but a something nonetheless where before was nothing.
In those days as now there was a paradigm for the newly made somethings, to give proof of their existence: the call "Hello World" in the silence.
All those years ago, before most who now populate the realm were born, this something unusual and its hundreds of lines of strange language did also make the call "Hello World" in the silence.
But then the unusual something happened, something that changed everything: the world called "Hello" back.
And the words that came after were not in those hundreds of lines of a strange language. This was the most unusual thing of all. The silence was broken, you see.
Two hundred and twenty seven thousand nine hundred and four hours later, there's no sign of its return...