All e-mail enquiries, in-game or in-character or specifically Avalon-related should be addressed directly to:
E-mail correspondence out of game, or out of character, or relating to matters of accounts and out-of-character business pertaining to Avalon (or any of our genre products) should be directed to:
This email is checked through hourly during business hours EST and 24/7 at regular intervals. It is an efficient, economical and thorough method of contact. It is our preferred means of correspondence re: character or in-game issues since it is also faster than regular mail and easier to lay out issues in concrete, concise fashion than telephone.
All official correspondence via regular mail should be addressed directly to Avalon Customer Support at the following address:
Be sure to include your real name and character name in any correspondence.
Although you can post snail mail to us at our offices in the U.S, trans-atlantic post is unreliable in terms of time. If you would like us to call you, please send an e-mail to Avalon Support (addresses below) and we will contact you within 24 hours at a time of your convenience. This will spare you the need for the international call, though you can of course use the address and phone details above - requesting a call-back is not an unusual policy.
Email Avalon Customer Support at:
Email Avalon Accounts/Administration at: