Barring any unforeseen issues, the next Rite in the Divine Wedding will be presided over by myself tomorrow Saturday 31st January at 8PM EST / 1AM GMT.
Any of you wishing to martyr yourselves before the Divine Couple must declare early by informing me in advance of your desire to do so. Mortals can only martyr themselves once during the marriage rites and the result - as some have already discovered - is a unique experience.
Those who have already martyred themselves will gain a surprise this weekend as will those newly martyring; beneficial in many ways to themselves and those around them.
Remember everyone that this event is unprecedented in Avalon's long history; the first union betwixt deities and I encourage everyone to make their best efforts to attend.
Elmaethor, god of the stars
Written and shown unedited exactly as rendered by text based game bulletin board on Avalon Online RPG and by my hand on the 7th of Springflower, in the year 1371.