All lessons are comprised of a script unique to the skillset you will be learning that last a minute or two.
Below is an example of an Avalon lesson. Lessons take just over a minute to learn. You can have at most two hundred and fifty lessons in a row, and every twenty to twenty-five minutes you gain enough experience of life to absorb a new one.
- learn runes from Raghallach
Raghallach has agreed to teach you.
Raghallach smiles and pulls out a piece of silver ore.
You examine the ore; it is plain, but pure silver
Raghallach motions to a selection of delicate instruments and takes them in his hands.
Raghallach fashions the silver ore into a strangely-shaped effigy.
Raghallach explains that the shape of the silver effigy denotes the effect and power of a rune.
Raghallach tells you of runes shaped like leaves, fists and hearts.
Raghallach continues by explaining that the mightier the Rune-fashioner, the longer it will last.
Raghallach details the method for connecting runes to items or to rune staves.
Raghallach finished by explaining that a rune will only have effect if it is seen.
Raghallach bows low, the lesson complete.