The Avalon store sells real-world products and is a separate entity from the "Old Curiosity Shops" found throughout the continent of Avalon.
The Avalon store should not be confused with the multitude of in-role shops including the "Old Curiosity Shops" scattered about the land. The latter sell in-game items/equipment (for Avalon gold or real-world currency in the case of the Old Curiosity Shops - detailed in HELP SHOPPING). The former deals solely in real-world products like hardcopy literature offered by Avalon to its players.
Type PROCURE FROM STORE and you will be whisked off into the real-world product listing, your character kept safe while you browse. Everything in the listing has a single-world title and you need simply type this word at the prompt to receive detailed product info.
Syntax: PURCHASE <product>
To purchase, once you have received the detailed information, you would type PURCHASE followed by the single word name of the item, e.g. PURCHASE GREATBOOK to buy the Avalon Anniversary Tome (whose shortname is 'greatbook').
WARNING: purchasing from the Avalon store requires you to ensure we have your updated delivery address for hardcopy product and valid payment details to process the request.
Delivery address should correspond to the information held in your registration details. If there's any chance the info we hold for delivery is NOT valid then type REGISTER and follow the instructions to update your address. This should be done before you purchase anything from the Avalon store.
It is important the system holds accurate numbers for the payment method you wish to use. To make sure of this type UPDATE DETAILS then from the subsequent menu select the U for 'update' option at the subscription menu. You will then be taken through a safe, simple procedure to enter your payment information - though this will not charge you anything until you have actually typed PURCHASE and confirmed your product.
See HELP PAYING for further info on making payments to Avalon and HELP SHOPPING for details of the "Old Curiosity Shop" where Avalon players may purchase faster advancement for their characters or equipment and services of useful import.