While the gods are broadly laissez-faire about mortal affairs, they have set a code of conduct that all mortals must abide by to ensure a consistent gaming experience and to foster roleplay, whether your path is Good or Evil.
Avalon is not a game-world full of rules and regulations. Gods and administration are not here to police a long list of rules. Avalon is not a land of "arms length roleplay - all pose and no passion" and makes no demands on how you play your character role. There are Good People, there is Evil, there are Cowards and there are Heroes: but this is all territory in which every Avalon player has complete freedom. See HELP ROLEPLAY for more on this.
There IS a need, however, for guidelines encouraging proper play - for the enjoyment of all and making Avalon a better place to be. The Gods are the arbiters of these guidelines but this is a world where free will is taken very seriously and faith in player self-control and maturity remains strong.
It is advised that your Avalon character practices good character role both in public and in private but private is your own affair. The character role guidelines will be supported by the Gods where what you do is public or open to an audience wider than friends and 'family' but privacy is respected and private frolic - what you do in the comfort of your own Avalon home - change firm guidelines into hopeful advisory. Consistency is great. You will have a better time in Avalon if you stay consistent in-role. That choice rests with you.
Remember your Avalon Days and Keep Them Holy: there is to be a separation between In-Character [known as IC] and Out-of-Character/Out-of-Avalon [known as OOC] and this shall be absolute. This separation does not extend to any forums or Out-of-Avalon communications. What you do when not inhabiting your Avalon character is your own affair.
We all have real lives [known as RL] and sometimes it is hard not to let RL moods or events impact our Avalon character. Persistent venting about RL, talking RL in public places or looking for reasons to be negative about the realm: this should not be. It is a lack of respect. The Gods will become involved if a player can't be responsible for his or her own IC word and deed.
"... What is done outside of Avalon is a different matter but in the land, protecting the realm for its own good and the good of its players becomes a serious duty ..."
Love thy neighbours as thyself: public channels, shouts, public locations and in-Avalon forums (unless specifically set apart) should not be used for OutOfCharacter/OutOfGame or OOC content. Public or open audience behaviour should be InCharacter/InGame [IC] only.
Honour Others: There should be no pressure on a player to reveal OOC information; there should be no exclusion or penalising or harming a player who chooses not to engage OOC with those who enjoy the community of players IC and OOC.
No Lying, no Stealing, no False Witnesses: The Gods will not stand idly by and allow abuse of the IC/OOC separation. Second characters are fine; spying seconds or seconds acting falsely to their own advantage are not. The latter will be legitimately brought before the Gods. Expect resolution.
Take Not the Names of the Gods in Vain: all deities are to be shown the same respect by mortaldom, for each deity represents the Pantheon; to disrespect or insult one is to disrespect or insult all of the Gods.
Behaviour including TELLs, MSGs, any other private communication, and location-wide activity - in the comfort of your own home or suitably restricted area - we advise consistency but leave entirely to individual good judgment.