Procurement is an artificial means of gaining lessons more rapidly than the normal rate of accrual from time spent in Avalon. Should you wish to advance your abilities sooner, lessons are available for purchase.
Lesson procurement is a method of advancing in skills more quickly. Procurement lets you buy lessons in bulk for immediate learning or to accelerate lesson gain speed.
NOTE: it is not necessary to buy lessons to develop your character and you gain a number of lessons every single hour you play Avalon. Procurement gets you new abilities quicker but those who never procure in their Avalon lives will reach exactly the same heights as those who do, in the end.
Syntax: PROCURE <number of lessons>
The PROCURE command is used to actually buy the extra lessons (either as immediate learning or accelerated gain) and you must use batches of 50 lessons, e.g. PROCURE 100. Soon as you type PROCURE you will be taken through a short validation process after which point your procurement will be immediately available.
You can then use the procured lessons to either make your lesson-gain quicker or simply turn them into lessons for immediate LEARNing. Typing LESSONS will show you lessons procured as well as how many lessons you have gained or remain unlearned; and whether your current location is suitable for accumulating lessons (certain safety locations are not).
See HELP GAIN for info on how to decide what to do with your procureed lessons: how to make them into immediate learning or how to declare them used for speeding up lesson gain (to twice, three times or four times regular rate). Special offers are often available during seasonal or anniversary periods. Details when you type HELP SPECIALOFFERS.