The relationships that you build will help establish your role in Avalon and aid your journey to achieving greatness. Whichever path that you choose, make sure that your words and deeds reflect your desired 'role' in Avalon.
Your standing among your contemporaries is, for most people, very important. Since it is you who decides what your character says and does, all relationships which you strike up with other players will be real and continuous. Hence deciding upon a role is one of your most important decisions. It would not be possible, for instance, to form lasting relationships with folk dedicated to protecting life if your immediate aim was to rape and pillage. Try, as often as possible, to stick to your chosen role. Ensure that decisions your character makes are consistent with its role.
One of the most beautiful things about Avalon is that all start equal, and anything is possible. There is no reason why you should not rise to be the greatest Knight in the land, or the mightiest Enchanter. See
See HELP DEMEANOUR for an example of roleplay versus 'realplay' and the distinction between a character's actions/words and his or her declared outlook or approach to the world.