Equipping yourself can seem like a daunting task but remember, all mortals begin on the same footing. Seek to establish the basics and grow your collection of gear from there.
Newborns to Avalon begin their adult lives naked and penniless. This conforms to the concept that everybody begins equal. The first thing that you may wish to do is to equip yourself with a basic outfit - clothes, a cheap weapon, a back-pack or sack, and some shoes. Clothes are particularly important as protection against the weather. While novices are protected by a divine aura and cannot feel the cold, non-novices must purchase clothing to cover themselves and keep themselves warm.
For those who begin in Mercinae, the place to go for clothes is in and around the Cassiandora Square marketplace, just west of the knoll where you start. In Parrius you must travel a little further, to Chapman's Square. From Hellespont Square you should walk north three times, northeast twice, north three times again, northwest, and then north. In Thakria you begin your adventures in the central park. From the pond you must walk south four times, southwest, then west four times to arrive at the square, whilst in Silverfalls the majority of civic shops lie northwest of the central square in the undercover market complex.
There is a useful command available to all young Avalonians: SHOPPING. What this does, while you stand on the soil of one of the four large cities, is take you promptly to the nearest shop or mercantile establishment - so you can check out the goods for sale. Subsequently typing SHOPPING again will take you the next shop in the city's roster; eventually circulating you through all the 'open' shops in the city. This is an ideal way to peruse all of the marketplaces for the best possible bargains, not to mention sourcing out 'difficult to find' objects. Check out HELP FIND for information on the "FIND" command, useful for plotting routes between the major cities.