Be sure to SURVEY your location to be aware whether it's been touched by the divine, the higher the marks, the more sacred the location to that deity.
Many locations dotted around Avalon are imbued with a holy significance. Some are obvious like temples dedicated to a particular God or Goddess (see HELP TEMPLES) but most, though marked by a specific deity and thus imbued with their holy presence, are not obvious at first glance.
Syntax: SURVEY
Typing SURVEY in a location will give you all manner of info about your immediate surroundings and one of the key things revealed is the presence of any holy markings labelling the part of the domain of a deity.
The number of marks define the extent of the location's holiness. One or two marks make it "holy" but do not otherwise make it special in the repertoire of the divinity's marked holdings about the land. Three and four marks are more rare and make the location not only "holy" but of "temple" significance. These locations must be treated as under religious law of the priesthood whose patron deity has marked them, but also in the public domain insofar as access and freedom to act.
Five or more holy marks render give the location "sanctuary" status and these, like the inner areas of a deity's temple, are not only the property of the priesthood and God/Goddess but tend to be accessible only to the Order or those of favoured status. Be very careful about your activity in the "sanctuary" locations as your behaviour will be visible to the deity and his/her reactions to willful disrespect or violence against his/her Order are unfettered by restrictions and mortal-freedoms enjoyed everywhere else.