A list of commands related to discovering who else is playing Avalon with you.
There are a number of ways to see who is playing Avalon unconcealed on the same part of the continent as you.
WHO | Gives a full list of who is around with innersight effects if any. |
QW | Gives a full list of who is around without innersight. |
BW | Brief paragraph listing all those who are around. |
BBW | Very brief listing of just names. |
LW | List those whom the gods consider young and inexperienced. |
NNW | Shows only novices. |
GMW | Shows a list of those in your guild who are about. |
CIT/CW | Shows a list of those in your city who are about (CIT=PR ministries). |
OW | Lists fellow followers of your patron who are about. |
PEERS | List only those of around your skill expertise. |
PW | Lists those who have chosen to live as pacifists. |
BFW | Lists the folks currently on the battle-isle. |
You may also type the name of a profession or guild to see members of that profession or guild in your vicinity, if the individual has chosen to make himself/herself public, e.g. MAGES or CAVALIERS or RANGERS.
And, depending on the current will of the Gods:
TW/TTW | Lists those non-pacifists, non-protected, ready for combat. |
EW | List only those against whom you would gain no bloodlust. |