A person may be sponsored through their city, guild, or respective order, for a term of 1-3 months, with the option for renewal. Sponsorship is free to play.
There are two ways to play Avalon long-term: by subscription or, more commonly, by sponsorship. The former is detailed in HELP SUBSCRIPTION and is independent of any interaction with your city, guild, or priesthood. Sponsorship on the other hand is absolutely free and gives you all the advantages of subscription with none of the cost: you gain lessons at exactly the same rate, you can use all the same equipment, you can attain all the same high ranks and positions in the land.
##City, Guild and Order SPONSORSHIP Sources
CITY: from Prince, high Minister and the Public Relations Ministry. GUILD: from the Guildmaster, Deputy Guildmaster and Head Tutor. ORDER: through members of the priesthood of a particular divinity.
To become sponsored by your city, all you need to do is talk with any member of your city's high ministries or Public Relations Ministry aides or elected officials from the city council. Any of these people have the power to utilise the great resources available to them and begin your sponsorship, typically for between one and three months. This can be extended indefinitely. All regular, pro-active Avalon players gain more for their city in status and reputation than the cost of a sponsorship: so you have nothing to worry about insofar as ensuring its continuity for your whole Avalon life.
Sponsorship through guild works the same way except it is the Guildmaster, his/her deputies, the Head Tutor or one of the Elders of the guild whose decision it will be whether you are sponsored or not. Needless to say it will be necessary to choose a guild for your apprenticeship and it is that guild whose senior members should be approached. The priesthoods of the various deities are also able to sponsor players: see HELP PRIESTHOOD for details. Their outlook and generosity depends largely on the demeanour of the patron deity though most appreciate the value of enthusiastic neophytes and are therefore quick to look favourably on sponsorship requests.