Item interaction begins with the basic commands associated with picking up an item and discarding it later.
Throughout the land you will find a variety of objects and artefacts. With each one you may take it, scrutinise it, poke it, drop it, or do whatever you please with it. Learning the item manipulation commands is essential. They are not complicated, or numerous, and they are detailed in this section.
To take an object you must type GET <item>. Assuming it is not too heavy or bulky to be carried, it will now be a part of your current possessions. If you wish to take all of a certain item from the room, type GET ALL <item>. GET ALL KEY, for instance, would take all the keys from the location. To discard an item type DROP <item>. To discard all of a specific type of item, type DROP ALL <item>. DROP ALL KEY, for instance, would drop all the keys you are holding on the ground.