As you begin to acquire weaponry and other gear, you will find it useful to store these items either in your inventory (on your person) or in special storage elsewhere. Some items cannot be stored.
One of the great strengths of Avalon is the freedom your character has to assemble as many personal items as he or she wishes. This means that each time you suspend your play of Avalon, you need not worry about your personal belongings being discovered or even stolen in your absence, because everything that is in your hands or everything that is worn by you at the end of each Avalon session will stay with you until given away or worn out by the ravages of time.
The more obscure and rare artefacts that are to be found do not usually fall in to this category, nor do larger batches of commodities (i.e. over twenty) since those tend to require special storage. Day-to-day essentials, however, such as keys, clothing, armour, weapons, storage pouches and belts and so on: these are usually yours to keep.
When you examine an item, the words "It belongs to you" will follow its description if it can be owned between Avalon sessions. Likewise, PROBE an object and look for "It can be owned when found". Items purchased from shops will almost always be personal "belongings" - yours to keep after logout, remaining in your inventory until next you enter the land.
Avalon has a number of different types of items. Those items which can belong to players are known as personal items. They remain with you until they wear out. Personal items can either be the product of commodities, or the creation of the Gods. Divine items last until specifically destroyed. In addition to personal and divine items, there are circular and quest items. Circular items cannot be owned by any individual, but can be stored in safe places and are usually associated with some great quest or power. Quest items are under the domain of the Gods and are used to test the mettle of the mortals. They cannot be stored or kept, and return to their place of origin every so often.