The HELPERS are staff guides present to assist the youth of Avalon seeking advice or aid.
Avalon staff guides are helpful souls. Their purpose is, primarily, to aid the young and the junior players - those of LW and MW status. Some are more experienced, however, and will be able to aid more advanced players. They will always be individuals extremely well-versed in the ways of Avalon so you should feel free, whether you be young or old, to pitch questions their way; seek advice from them, request assistance if you have any problems. Staff guides should NOT be attacked or interfered with. They have a direct line of communication to the Gods and will not be shy of using this privilege to censure any poor behaviour.
Type GUIDES at any time you see a list of Avalon staff guides available in the land. You will be informed of any visible and 'on duty' along with their whereabouts in the land.
Avalon runs an out-of-character, external Customer Support e-mail on and you can send private, confidential emails to this address about matters relating to your character, your account, or indeed anything you wish to discuss. Replies tend to be prompt and problems taken seriously. NOTE: the correspondence with should be considered distinct to your interactions with the Gods of Avalon. Deities are not administrators - see HELP GODS - and they are under no obligation to help you; Avalon's customer service on the other hand has precisely that duty.