Your inventory is a glance at the items you are carrying about your person, worn clothing and armour, and anything being wielded (such as a tool or weapon).
At any time you may have a look at what you are carrying through the use of the INVENTORY command - typing I by itself will suffice. Not only will this list the items that you are carrying around with you, it will also show you what garments or what armour you are wearing, if any, and what you are wielding in your hands. You will find yourself encumbered by items you hold that you are not wearing, and characters are limited to a certain number and weight of items before they find themselves over-laden and dropping their possessions.
Syntax: I
(short for INV
Shows you what you are holding and wearing with each item described and how many of each particular item type you have.
(or IH
) and INFO INV
(or IA
) and INFO INSIDE <item>
(or II
This shows you all the items in your location or in your inventory or inside an item you specify, in the form of a list with object description and - most useful - its unique number. See HELP OBJECTS for more info.
Anything that is within your inventory may be given away, if you so wish it. To hand over one of your possessions to another character you must type GIVE <item> TO <player/creature>. Items can also be stored away and retrieved from containers such as a backpack or a strong-box through PUT <item> IN <container>, and GET <item> FROM <container>. It is far safer to hold a valuable item inside a backpack or a locked box since thieves and vagabonds will find it harder to steal from you.
Typing CLOTHED will list your inventory of worn items (generally pieces of clothing) alongside the "protection" worth of each. The total protection worth of all you wear is what keeps you safe and warm when, for example, you are travelling in extremely cold regions of the land.
Syntax: OWN <item you hold>
There may be times you have possession of an object you feel suitable as a long-term personal belonging but, for whatever reason, it has not been claimed or declared as such. If this is the case, you can issue the OWN command while holding the item in your inventory and - providing there is nothing special about the object to block personal ownership - the possession will become labelled "personal" and will show "belongs to you" when examine. It will thereafter remain in your inventory until discarded or forcibly stolen or worn away.
Syntax: VALUE <object>
Gives you an evaluation of the item you specify (from your inventory or location) including its likely worth in gold coins to merchants when sold and its holy/pious merit when offered to one of the Gods at a temple.
See HELP HOLDING for info on inventory management with containers like strong-boxes (lockable) and carry-all conveniences like backpacks and sacks.