From your present location you may observe the time and date as well as the current weather. It is also possible to spy out adjacent locations to scrutinize for the occasional cliff edge or other pitfalls.
To remind yourself of your present location, the LOOK command will redisplay it in full (whether you have typed BRIEF or not). You will undoubtedly find this useful when you find yourself in what you consider a significant location as it will give you a more thorough picture of your surroundings. You may also type WEATHER to assess the current weather conditions and how much clothing would be required to keep warm, TIME to find out the time of day, and DATE to discover the current Avalon date. Should you want to see just the shorter description, as you would get in BRIEF mode, then you need only GLANCE (GL for short) and it will be displayed to you. This command has another use in that it can be used directionally.
In other words you may throw your glance into an adjacent location, without actually moving from your current position. To do this type GLANCE <direction>. As for those that have the perceptive ability, they may SQUINT in a specific direction. Similar to the GLANCE command, SQUINT (SQ for short) will attempt to look along your specified direction for as many locations away as you are able. This obviously has its uses should you want to check what lies upon the road ahead. You should also be aware that on occasion, being able to look and glance is undesirable and you may wish to type SHUT EYES to close your eyes and see nothing. It is up to you to discover situations where blindness is an asset rather than a hindrance.