During your apprenticeship you will be required to gain badges earned from acquiring knowledge on a variety of subjects and bestowed by your guildhead. Should you obtain all of the badges possible you may request a boon to your skills.
There are four distinct phases in the life of an Avalonian. The first spent in the academy, the second in the school and the third, perhaps the most difficult, the transition between fledgling apprentice (or LW) and long-term independent. The fourth, the long and heroic challenge of making a mark in this land is dealt with elsewhere but here we address that crucial third phase: the badges.
After joining a guild, during the apprenticeship or LW phase, there are numerous 'badges' of knowledge that all Avalonians should aspire to attain. These badges are bestowed by guildmasters, barons, public relations minister, guild elders, or deities. They represent the successful acquisition of a slice of important knowledge, whether that be the ability to equip oneself with armour and weapons, or the successful witnessing of the sunrise in the vale of Azrili. It is not necessary to attain all possible badges but to do so signifies, in the minds of the great of this land, the establishment of an independent, self-assured character ready to meet his or her future. Many guild use the badges as a gauge of a youngster's readiness to move from apprenticeship to full initiate.
To review your own acquired badges type BADGES. Guildmasters and Elders can bestow badges using the BADGE command. It is only possible to bestow a badge on an apprentice/youngster once per Avalon timezone (six timezones per Avalon day). These badges are for apprentices/youngsters in their first career only - for those genuinely new to the ways of the land. High ranking guildmembers and city leaders may review the attained badges by typing BADGES followed by the name of the apprentice/youngster. Each badge brings with it rewards, whether gold, experience or lessons. Some are relatively simple, some more complex. The collection of all possible badges gains the neophyte guildmember great prestige in the eyes of the Gods.
There is a prize available to those who are diligent enough to complete all of their guild badges. This prize is obtained from senior members of the guild (or city barons or public relations minister) and if you feel yourself ready (having succeeded in all badges) type REQUEST PRIZE FROM followed by the name of the fellow guildmember/city leader, while in his or her presence. Your fellow will have to give assent to your declaration and, providing this is done, you will receive the prize: across-the-board boost of your skills to the level of Respected. Depending on your guild's profession you will also be eligible for a boost of certain skills, if they are already AT the level of Respected, up to the level of Renowned.
Such a fine prize is noted in your character history as befits the elevation to senior apprenticeship or advanced neophyte.
The following SEVENTEEN badges constitute the full repertoire of the independent apprentice/youngster and can be given out only by high stature players from the neophyte's guild or city:
The apprentice/youngster is able to purchase, wear and successfully arrange a full outfit of clothing to create a unique persona. The youngster has also been through the REGISTER process (confidentially) for the sake of Avalon's ongoing demographics.
Young guildmember demonstrates proficiency in the acquisition, wielding and care of appropriate weapons and armour. Explain right and left differences and show the professional specifics for which hand is better used for which item types. This would be a good point to reward the youngster with a first weapon or piece of armour.
The individual is able to use says, tells, messages, calling channels and understands the distinction. Ensure the apprentice has successfully posted a first bulletin board message (not the public BB) and make sure its content has some relevance (i.e. introducing the character, good roleplay or questions asked). Conclude by having the neophyte post a letter package with something contained inside and for that letter package to be received.
The neophyte has either a pet or a steed and understands how to manipulate this new animal in all appropriate ways. Show how it is possible to name one's pet/steed and explain how some can fly, some fight, some carry burdens. If it seems to fit guild ideals explain how to feed the animal or how to kill and use its carcass - as preferred.
The youngster has acquired the skill of herb pouches and also a herb pouch, into which a smattering of herbs and/or poisons have been placed. This may be a good place to introduce apprentice to stocking up: buying or picking herbs, poisons, inventory essentials like herb pouches; show the city stalls and shops, etc.
The young guildsperson has received information on the deities of Avalon, their role in the land and their role as a patron. The youngster must be well versed in the history of the Gods, both those existing in the pantheon, and the original deities of the land. They must also understand the notion of Gem Quests and the route to Ordination.
The individual understands the political structure of his/her home city, the ministries, baronies and has been introduced to at least one member of high government. They should know Prince, Cardinal, Prime Minister by name and the City Patron as well as election process. Introduce the CHELP (or CH) citizen-written help index and GHELP (or GH) equivalent as distinct from the official HELP guides.
The individual has been well versed in the history of his/her city, founding ideals and persona and likewise for his/her guild and its founders. He or she should show a memory for important figures and facts over a period of days including the historical figures and the recent paradigms. Might be a good point to have the youngster know where their libraries are in the city and/or guild.
The person has shown the ability within the space of a few Avalon days to make two hundred and fifty gold coins by performing gold quests, trading, or intelligent use of skills. This is a good place to introduce any other relevant ways to earn gold and CHELP files with details.
The individual has been introduced to the notions of Farming, Labours, crafting items and trading commodities; the importance to a city both wealth and in practical terms (e.g. kitting out legions and players). The youngster should ideally have traded a commodity and used one ability from Farming and Labours.
Within home city walls the apprentice/youngster has shown sufficient speed navigating around the streets and important landmarks of the city. Explain the MAP and MOVING MAP commands as well as pointing out the central gathering points in the home city, the gatehouses, fortifications and the milestones.
Each of the general skills has been understood and a new ability has been gained and used properly in each (bar Constitution, Defence and Swordplay). Explain how AB <skill> <ability> gets more info and how to read syntax notation i.e. in HELP files how AB <skill> <ability> actually means type AB then type the name of a skill then type the name of an ability.
For the sake of true exploration the neophyte guild-member should have taken a ride on the Ship of the Dead. He or she should understand how death fits into the scheme of things: resurrection by olvar, life potion, guild-specific means like Power Ritual and Animist "Spiritualism" and how ship rides and wurtfoil function.
The fledgling guild-member has been entrusted with a key to the guild, fully protected, understands keeping it safe and knows the layout of the home guild; or if no key entrusted understands how keys and locks and guild security functions - and how to get the most from a guildhouse while access remains limited.
Neophyte guild-member understands how to protect the important items of inventory with runes and cursing; knows about the Itemlore and related commands for fast inventory/safety checking; has an idea what can be done to steal/strip items and how best to counter this.
The apprentice has a full understanding of the principles of combat, whether it be purely defensive (if attacked, to keep alive) or both staying alive and launching attacks of his/her own: balance, equilibrium, the CASE command e.g. CASE STRIKE and CASE ROUND. Apprentice should know of healing herbs, potions, plus any guild-specific methods like Charming's HEALHAND etc. Fighting guilds may wish to introduce the NPC trainers at this point and HELP TRAINER commands.
Often best kept as the final badge since it is earned by an apprentice who knows his/her place in the grand scheme of Avalon generations: understands how to help youngsters (new scholars, school graduates, etc), introduced to LW, MW and juniors - and how LWs need not suffer violence in silence - as well as having insight into subsequent stages after the "badges" i.e. city quests, guild honours, XP quests, bashing etc, finishing with a target for apprentice completion (defined by the guild itself)