This snippet of chat is between "Maedhros" the Hunter is one of the immortal divinities with "Shadowthane" who is a close friend to one of the Barons who runs Mercinae and "Sarik" is Guildmaster of the Mages Guild. All Avalon players are known by a single word name primarily though titles, prenom, surname, prefix, suffix, epithet: all variations and additions are available per individual preferences.
- say Hi everybody!
Maedhros, the Hunter says, "hi there".
Ranger Shadowthane greets you.
- say What's been going on?
Ranger Shadowthane says, "Helkarakse has tried to declare war on Mercinae!".
Maedhros says, "he's been throwing his weight around ever since he moved into his new tower".
- say He did what??
Ranger Shadowthane laughs heartily.
Ranger Shadowthane says, "He tried to lead a legion of Thakrian Black Knights on a raid of the guard-house and shops of Cassiandora square. Me'n'Sarik caught him and blasted him back out of the city".
- say What did the Council do?
Maedhros says, "dunno if the council have met to discuss it yet".
Ranger Shadowthane says, "Sarik will tell the others tonight what happened. It may be war!".
- nod
You nod your head emphatically.
- say I will find out from Ingold, my guildmaster. He should tell me what happens in the meeting.
Maedhros grins and nods.
Ranger Shadowthane says, "Come and see the carnage he left behind though...".
- smile
You smile openly.
- say Let's have a look then.