Acting in Avalon means taking on a temporary role that is not your own - not connected with your natural character and his/her developing history and goals. It means playing this short role as if you were the role, throwing yourself into the part with vigour and purpose and skill.
There are recurring roles, like those involving encounters in young-player memories, and there are competitive roles, like inhabiting a competitor in the "survival" school game - a mix of acting a role and genuine skill in the contest: those young upstarts need to learn some respect! There are famous figures, dastardly demons, damsels in distress, great buccaneers, duplicitous paltroons.
There is a competitive element since while the youngster is trying to battle through the narrative, the actor's goals vary but tend to be in opposition or temptation distraction. If successful the actor is well rewarded. Acting credibility grows as roles are played out successfully and this credibility decides if and when you would be offered more important, difficult roles - not just in younger player narratives but in themes far more significant to the realm...
Syntax: ACTORS.
Shows you current actors in the land, ranked by acting ability.
Syntax: ACTING.
Lets you know any roles you are currently acting, any you have auditioned for and any you have signed up to play - and the time/date for the performance.
Syntax: ROLES and ROLES <type>.
The ROLES command tells you all roles currently or soon to become available so you can review the possibilities and decide whether to audition or take on one or more.
Syntax: SYNOPSIS <role>.
Tells you all you need to know about a particular role available, summary of purpose, goals, motivations, character idiosyncracies, scope for improvisation, etc.
Syntax: AUDITION <role> if necessary.
Some roles are much sought after so you will have to audition. This presents your credentials to whoever is deciding which actor to cast, and if you win out you will be given access to BECOME the <role>.
Syntax: PREFER <role>/<type> and DISDAIN <role>/<type>.
Logs a preference for a certain role or type or your disdain for the same. You will only be offered roles/types that match your preferences.
Syntax: BECOME <role> and BECOME MYSELF to terminate.
Take on a <role> directly with BECOME <role> and flip back to your everyday character using BECOME MYSELF.
Syntax: BOW OUT.
Successful completion of a role, BOW OUT to return to your everyday character.
Syntax: PLAYED [<type/role>].
History of your acting career, listed all or by type or by role.
Current and all-time most acclaimed actors and actresses.