To speak with other people in Avalon you can use one of the following commands:
Syntax: SAY followed by your words.
The SAY command talks aloud to anybody in your location, i..e. close enough to see when you type LOOK or GLANCE (to see your immediate surroundings). The words you type after SAY will be what you speak and therefore what is heard by other people nearby.
Syntax: SHOUT followed by words.
To make your words heard across a bigger area, type SHOUT followed by the text you want to bellow out. Shouts are audible across whole regions of the land, like an entire city or island. It is considered a little rude to shout unless you have something important to be loud about, bear in mind!
Syntax: TELL followed by a person's name, then your words.
In Avalon to "tell" means to speak privately and personally to just one other person, without letting your words be heard by others or speaking them in a voice that shouts over a wide area or says openly to everyone in your location. You can tell anyone in range, no matter where they are in the land. Your tell will reach the person privately and they will be able to reply in kind.
Syntax: REPLY followed by your private reply words.
Whenever somebody sends you a "tell" you can talk back to them directly in the same private and personal way by the REPLY command. Simply type REPLY followed by the text you wish to send and Avalon will know you want to speak privately to whoever most recently told you something.
Syntax: OON or NEWB followed by text.
This sends the text you include as words called to everybody using or monitoring the "novice and new player" channel - a public, shared instant message service to help young players with their early Avalon career. It is often monitored by high rank city-mates and elders from the guilds, especially Public Relations Ministry aides and experinced Guild tutors. It is also useful for communicating with other novices / young players.
NOTE: in Avalon young players are known as LWs (short for LittleWho) and this epithet will stay with a new player from their novicehood - the very early days - through the first month or two of progress/improvement. Some cease to be LWs sooner than others. It does not matter how long you take to develop your Avalon character so long as you do it as best suits your ambition and goals.
See also: HELP SAY, HELP TELL, HELP SHOUT, HELP COMMUNICATION and - once novicehood is completed - HELP CALLING for more info on the full range of calling channels available for you to use.