The Minister for Public Relations is in charge of young citizens, novices, apprentice guild members and indeed all citizens of junior through middling stature. It is this ministry's duty to look after the well-being and ensure good tuition, care, equipping and guidance is provided. This Minister need not be the city's greatest fighter nor most diligent farmer or trader or warfare general but instead care should be taken to appoint a Public Relations Minister (and deputy) whose ability to communicate is well proven. The Relations Minister should be expert at pinpointing the needs (omissions) of a junior and keeping up with the ebb and flow of new/junior citizens despite an often diverse and numerous collection of faces.
The Public Relations ministry defines a city's influx of newborn characters vis-a-vis the other major cities in Avalon. The Minister and deputy must both satisfy the minimum 'hours per week' mandate for vote eligibility (typically three or four hours) else the flow of novices will cease entirely; and the ministry should be well represented with active, outgoing aides since lack of credible support at the points of graduation (academy then school) risks the young player being whisked off to a foreign city should their own Public Relations presence be large at times your own is absent.
The extent of active PR Minister, deputy and aides defines a city's share of incoming newborns.
See HELP RELATIONS for a Public Relations ministry command list and HELP PR for an overview and advisory on this most critical of civic roles.