With such an expansive novicehood, that runs from academy all the way to individual badges to cover every aspect of the realm, the position of the Public Relations ministers and their deputed aides are paramount in early relations. This position, oft looked upon as just handing out a badge or some kindly advice by rote, is actually what separates the knowledgeable teachers and mentors of Avalon's future from even the most knowledgeable player. Do not confuse the ego of knowing Avalon with that of being an excellent teacher; they are not the same and you have no right to interfere, disrupt or discontinue this process of teaching once it begins. This is the best way to overwhelm novices or create sudden discontinuities that will disinterest them and dissolve the magical vision of Avalon still glittering before them.
In any public relations situation, which is in fact an in-role situation that has many out of role influences, it is vital that they approach it as neutrally as they can: show the professions, the guilds, the cities and the aspects of Avalon without bias or personal prejudice.
Often it is useful to call in guildmasters or renowned members to demonstrate their abilities or speak a little about their profession or city, to ensure the most flattering picture for the novice and for them to ask questions directly. This is never a time to poach or tear away a novice from their mentor: work together, even if it must be out of role, with the relations officer to inform, and not overload, the novice.
Lastly, interrupting public relations with a novice, to poach or teach yourself, is a punishable offence. It disrupts the novice who suddenly must adapt to some new half-baked ulterior motive, disrupts the relations office who has suddenly been left with all the prepared steps from earlier wasted, and generally perverts the process of novicehood.
If you think you have a better idea, take it up with the Public Relations Minister, but ultimately on the topic of novices, their word is a law equal to Barony and Pantheon.
Below is the Thirteen Codex of Public Relations, a set of simple guidelines to follow for both Public Relations officers and those dealing with them:
1. Once the process of helping a novice begins, it must not be interrupted or derailed until it runs its course.
1. Public Relations officers determine and set the criteria and speed of learning for a novice, but should consider the desires of any related guildmasters.
3. Officers, Guildmasters and Barons need to work together peaceably, despite personal or in-role disagreemnts.
4. One officer should only help another if requested, regardless of how many novices are being handled or personal doubts.
5. Public Relations Minsiters convey the grandeur of Avalon and may be in regular contact with the Pantheon on how to do so; listen well to their experienced advice.
6. Your personal disagreements with the officer's approach or the realm's mechanisms are irrelevant. Disobey and you will be mercilessly rapped on the knuckles for disobedience.
7. The officer is always the director of affairs, choosing when and if others become involved; but likewise, it is good manners to take a back footing when asking another to speak to the novice until they are finished.
8. Poaching, disrupting, complaining or debating novicehood or a novice in front of a novice is the worst offence, as it renders banal the voyage of discovery for the novice. This is even punishable by the Pantheon if witnessed and considered severely inappopriate.
9. Ultimately, the novice decides where to go and what to do, which an officer must accept graciously: it is unacceptable to force or bias a novice's choices in favour of your own guild, city or other choices. Give good recommendations but do not choose for them.
10. All novice relations should use proper speech (no mobile speech, such as "LOL" and smilies) and speak in Avalonian character as much as possible.
11. Coddling and clinging to novices only harms them, and other novices do not need as much attention: a good officer knows when to step away or let its hatchling take flight.
12. A novice should be presented with a comprehensive impression of Avalon's grandeur rather than a comprehensive list of Avalon's features.
13. A good teacher communicates enthusiasm; a bad teacher communicates knowledge.
A good rule to gauge if you are at all capable of teaching novices is the Nodding Dog toy test. If all you receive are affirmations and a few questions, you are not teaching or speaking with them, you are likely straining their attention; they may as well be a nodding dog -- you may think you're speaking with the dog, but it is just a nodding toy. On the other hand, if there are explosions of enthusiastic questions that suggest real interest, curiosity and thought put into these questions above and beyond what you are teaching, you are a great success.