Your experience score is a basic indication of your progression on Avalon and is represented by numerous experience levels.
SCORE - Lists various experience information on your character.
QS - Lists only crucial information on your character.
LEVELS - Lists your level, the levels below and the next one above.
STATUS - Information on city allegiances, armour and assorted data.
BIRTHDAYS - Lists those with a birthday on the current day.
WHO/QW - Informs you of the other players in your region.
SAVE - Stores your character record on disc for safety.
SKILLS - Gives you a list of skills known by you. Type HELP SKILLS also.
QUIT - Saves your character and departs you from Avalon.
NEWS - Views the latest news on your Avalon system.
CRY - To cry aloud the name of an enemy to alert your city defences.
DEFENCES - Lists the extra-ordinary defences which you have around you.
TIME/DATE - Shows you the Avalon time and date.
CLS - Clears your screen to foil nosey onlookers.
ECHO OFF - Avalon will cease to echo back what you type. ECHO ON reverses.
FRIENDS - Lists your close Avalon friends. See HELP FRIENDS.
ENEMIES - Lists your Avalon enemies. See HELP ENEMIES.
HIDE - Hides yourself as best you can.
REVEAL - Reveals your hiding place to all those nearby.
AID - To aid another player in distress.