Quite apart from the allegiances and friendships that you will gain through citizenship, your guild and your order, you can create your own alliances, covert or otherwise, that need have nothing to do with a greater organisation. Avalon allows you to keep a personal record of up to thirty friends and enemies. Your friends will be able to exact loyalty from your loyal CCCs, while your enemies will be attacked by your loyal CCCs.
Syntax: FRIEND/ENEMY <player> <0-100>.
Avalon has an inbuilt facility whereby you can keep track of a small number of your best friends and worst enemies. Typing the commands FRIENDS or ENEMIES will list those folk you have chosen to single out. Type FRIEND <player> <0-100> or ENEMY <player> <0-100> to set up new friends or enemies. The number specified attributes a value to their name in your list. A higher number either means that they are a very good friends or a lifelong enemy.
NOTE: specify 0 as the value and you will wipe the declaration from your list with FRIENDing to 0 sending the person a notification message and ENEMYing to 0 doing it silently.
1 = an aquaintance.
2 to 4 = a minor friend.
5 to 14 = a friend and sometime ally.
15 to 49 = a good friend.
50 to 59 = a close friend.
60 to 99 = a close friend and kin.
100 = friend, kin / part of your family.
1 = a minor enemy.
2 to 5 = an enemy of little moment.
6 to 14 = a declared enemy.
15 to 49 = a sworn enemy.
50 to 59 = a lifelong enemy.
60 to 99 = a bitter lifelong enemy.
100 = a bitter enemy and lifelong nemesis.
Syntax: FRIEND/ENEMY <city/guild> <0-100>.
It is possible, in place of the <player> to include a <city> or a <village> or a <guild>. If you make a city/guild friend, or declare city/guild an enemy, you will in effect by declaring ALL individuals from that city or guild as friend or enemy. The individuals will be treated accordingly unless you specifically FRIEND/ENEMY the person; individual declaration override group statements of friendship/antipathy. City and guild FRIEND or ENEMY declarations parse at half the declared value compared to personal declarations e..g. ENEMY a city at 100 and it'll effectively ENEMY all that city's citizens as if 50.
Bitter lifelong enemies will feel the effect of your antipathy in various ways including being unable to use silmarillion arcana, snooping artifacts or absolute Seer watching powers on you.
Another practical use of this command, other than reference, is that CCCs and creatures loyal to you will also take orders from, and protect your friends. Conversely, they will attack your enemies with vehemence whether you are present to lead them into battle or not. Enemies will be less noted, where possible, such is your disdain. You can also use OOF (see HELP CALLING) to talk to those on your friends list, providing the friendship is mutual and above #1, so FRIEND ASHLANIR 1 would not include the person in your OO FRIENDS (OOF) communications whereas FRIEND ASHLANIR 2 would.
Syntax: REJECT <player>.
Sometimes you may find via magical enchantment you are forced to declare somebody a friend against your will. In order to reverse this you will need to REJECT them (e..g. REJECT CUCHULAIN). Rejection requires great concentration and equilibrium if the bond of friendship you are rejecting is of a certain strength.