Here is a summary of political and social situation as it was on the 1st of Leaflost, 844 years since the Divine War. Although the subsequent sections contain more up-to-date information on current hierarchies, the information below might give you an idea of the evolution of the continent.
"Mercinae remains a proud and strong city. Its economy is bustling and robust. The city is led by Isildur, the Swift who masterminds Mercinae's economy and trading. The other Barons are Eshkadeth, Last of the Valheru, Guildmaster of the Mages Guild and de fender of justice in Mercinae and Markus of the Woods, a doughty ranger. Despite recently losing the Guild of Animists because of its war-like stance, Mercinae retains its role as protector of the wronged under the patronage of Castigere, god of justice. Lugonn, the Shining One remains a Baron of Mercinae and representative of the Guild of Animists.
Thakria has decayed much since, but a few years ago, it stood firmly as Avalon's greatest city. Under the leadership of Davros it had overtaken Mercinae and dominated world trading. Its military force of Black Knights had no equal. Now, though, it is only just recovering from the overthrow of Davros as head of the Loremasters. Davros alone remains of the ancient barons of the city. New blood is slowly rising up to replace the old stagnation, ably led by Klassi, Guildmistress of the Loremasters and Belit, the Sorceress. Jaysen and Wease of the Seers and Sophacles of the Loremasters make up the five leaders of Thakria. Slowly the City of Miracles is recovering itself.
Though it begun as the smallest of the three cities, Parrius has blossomed more than any other over the past few years of Avalon's history. After a bloodless overthrow of its pacifist leaders, Falstaff and Nebuchadnezzar, Parrius is now ruled by the Encha nters Procyon and Marie and the Guildmaster of the Astrologers, Lord Urquoth. No longer is it under the thumb of Mercinae, but now stands alone as an economic power rivalling its Mercinaen ally. New citizens arrive each day to bolster the city's numbers and Chapman's Square, its central market, is renowned the world over for its variety of goods. Militarily, though, Parrius remains strong but largely unconcerned with the historical conflict of Mercinae and Thakria. It prefers to forge its own path.
LIFE IN AVALON: in the year 852 aDW.
"Parrius is the richest individual economy, having been built up by the diligence of Marie, Procyon and Calladan (all prominent Enchanters). The old guard have all but vanished now, from Parrius and the city has assumed a peaceful, prosperous guise. Its current Barony consists of Conteck of the Animists, Calladan of the Enchanters, Aragorn of the Bards, and Chopper of the Enchanters. Parrius boasts three guilds - the Enchanters, the Astrologers and locally the Brigands. The Enchanters are led by Random, the Necromancers by Astiroth de Sade, and the Brigands by Charlemagne the Huntsman."
"Mercinae is the second wealthiest economy to Parrius, and even now, decades after his Ascension to immortality, the city's commodity stores show the fruits of Galahad's labour. They measure twice that of Parrius and Thakria. The current Barony is strong and active - they are led by Isildur, the Swift and Eshkadeth, the Dark Savant and are ably supported by Mnestheus and Lugonn of the Animists Guild and Markus of the Woods. Mercinae's guilds are the Minstrels (led by Isildur), the Bards (led by Aragorn),the Knights (led by Sir Ammon), the Mages (led by Eshkadeth), the Rangers (led by Markus) and the Alchemists (who remain leaderless)."
"Thakria is an enigmatic city, based on ideals of personal liberty and freedom of expression. They are often accused of power-mongering and of breeding self-centredness. The city is led, undisputedly by Blodwyn the Seer. Beneath her are Macros, the Necromancer, Belit, the Sorceress, and Sophacles, the Loremaster. Thakria's guilds are the Sorcerers (led by Shagrat), the Loremasters (led by Foxus), the Cavaliers (led by Anastasia the Golden) and the Seers (led by Blodwyn)."
"Avalon boasts a number of other prominent individuals at this time in its history. Perhaps the most potent is Zaphod - former Guildmaster of the Alchemists Guild. Foxus is high priest to Pericles, god of the sky. The Diabolus has Azrael the Black as his beloved high priest, while Aldaron, the god of life has chosen Fiorella, guildmistress of the Animists. Maedhros Allendil, the Hunter has Markus as leader of his order, Mephisto has chosen Blodwyn, and Castigere has selected Eshkadeth to lead his Order. Wraith allows Zollrender, the Master Thief to lead his flock."
LIFE IN AVALON: in the year 864 aDW.
"Thakria is the richest city of the three, under the careful eye of Snowlock, Guildmaster o the Thieves. It is his guidance which has seen the recovery of Thakrian pre-eminence, and the City of Miracles has regained its reputation for fine trade and stout-hearted citizens. Alongside Snowlock are his fellow Thief Belit, while Derillion and Elektra of the Seers occupy the third and fourth Baronial positions. Cuchulain of the Loremasters is the fifth Baron."
"Parrius stands as the second wealthiest economy, recently recovered from a period of disastrous Baronial decisions and now guided by one of its most ancient citizens, Procyon, Bringer of Light, and Master of the Artisans. Alongside Procyon is Vanion, High Priest of the Stars and Master of the Astrologers. Garet Jax and Calladan, Guardian of the East, both Enchanters stand alongside Eshkadeth, Guildmaster of the Enchanters, are the other three Barons of the city. Parrius' reputation for herbs, runes and poisons is known the world over."
"Mercinae, the third city, has slumped over the past decade of Avalon life. Isildur retains his control of the city under the watchful eye of Castigere, god of justice, the city patron. However, Baronial work has been slack and the city marketplace on Cassiandora Square is often empty. Mercinae's treasury is gradually being drawn away by the expenses incurred maintaining the richly adorned city and the threat of war from the Thakrian frontier is ever a worry on the mind of its Barons. Isildur's fellow Barons are Aragorn, the Bard, Lord Palin of the Knights, Markus of the Rangers, and Sir Galahad, the Ancient Mage."
"Castigere retains Isildur of Mercinae as his High Priest, while The Diabolus holds Count Rack as leader of his brood. Fiorella, though retiring from her position as Mistress of the Animists, still holds the lofty role as high priestess of life. Nostradamus, god of the stars, has chosen Vanion to lead his flock, while Mephisto has Belit, Mistress Thief. Lord Eshkadeth leads the Order of Cornelius, the god of Magik, and Markus heads the order of Maedhros Allendil, the Hunter. Genesis, the god of time has chosen Zollrender as his High Priest."
LIFE IN AVALON: in the year 870 aDW.
"Mercinae has just recently emerged from the invasion and occupation by the city of Thakria. Patronage of Mercinae, after a brief spell under Nostradamus, god of the stars, has passed by to Castigere, god of justice. The Mercinaen Barony is led by Aerynius, former Mages Guildmistress, alongside Elfish, Master of the Bards. Mercinae is still economically devastated by the invasion, its commodities have been torn away and its stalls are empty. The city is in the process of being rebuilt."
"Thakria remains the strongest economy even after the invasion of Mercinae. It is led by Nostradamus, god of the stars, and the most prominent Baron of the time is Derillion, who is also Guildmaster of the Seers. Alongside Derillion are Grendel, the Master Thief, Cuchulain of the Loremasters, Sepultura of the Sorcerers, and Blodwyn, Empress of the Stars. It remains to be seen whether Thakria will feel the loss of Snowlock, who almost single handedly rebuilt the city and masterminded the invasion of Mercinae."
"Parrius, after its doughty defence of Mercinae against the Thakrian invasion, is also strong. Its treasury was unbroken by Mercinae's fall and it has a sturdy Barony. Procyon and Calladan have retired to leave the leadership of the city in the hands of the Enchanters Garet Jax, Nalek and Tarakin, and the Artisan Cardodius. Of all the three cities, Parrius looks in the strongest position since its Barony are active and strong."
"Lord Palin of the Knights is High Priest of Castigere. Nostradamus, having lost Vanion, has chosen no High Priest to replace him. Zollrender remains as High Priest of the god of time, while Fiorella is still high priestess of life. Cardodius has been given the honour of high priest of Quetzalcoatl, god of the sun, and Markus heads the order of Maedhros Allendil, the Hunter. Azrael The Black lingers on as High Priest of The Diabolus."
LIFE IN AVALON: in the year 876 aDW.
"Mercinae has recovered from its defeat at the hands of Thakria under the temporary patronage of Genesis, the god of time, and the leadership of Prince Isildur, Minister of State Cuchulain, Minister of Justice Tragnarion of the Mages, Minister of War Eshkadeth (having returned from the Enchanters in Parrius). The Chancellor is Chaos of the Mystics, and the Field Marshall is Sir Tavon of the Knights. The god of time has appointed Elfish of the Bards as Cardinal of Mercinae. Zollrender, who took great part in the rebuilding of Mercinae, recently departed the city to return the village of Archangel in the mountains."
"Thakria is the weakest of the three cities, having declined ever since the departure of Snowlock - with Nostradamus increasingly taking a less active role as city patron, Thakria's Barons appear unable to pull the city together. Derillion is Prince of Thakria, and Ganymede occupies the post of Minister of State. Zakath is Cardinal, and Shaitan is Minister of Justice, and War. Sir Morgan of the Cavaliers is Field Marshall. If Thakria's decline continues and Mercinae's rise likewise, the City of Miracles will soon lie under threat of invasion by the Mercinaens, to avenge the defeat of some years past."
"Parrius is the most powerful of the three cities. Its treasury is vast, and its resources beyond any of the other cities - it is under the patron of Orthwein, god of fate. The Prince of Parrius is Procyon, while the Ministries are held by Garet Jax, Throthgar, Cardodius and Layla. Parrius has recently begun to exert its economic superiority by successfully occupying villages around its periphery - while the other cities watch unable to muster the finances to resist."
"There are no Chosen Ones in Avalon. Isildur is High Priest of Castigere, Derillion of Nostradamus, Fiorella of Aldaron and Markus of Maedhros Allendil. Wraith has no High Priest, and Orthwein has not yet chosen one to lead his Order. Zollrender is High Priest of Genesis, and Azrael still of The Diabolus. Apollo, god of light, having returned to prominence in the land has taken no High Priest yet."
LIFE IN AVALON: in the year 891 aDW.
"Mercinae has been through many changes since this journal was last written. For many years after its rebuilding it was ruled by Prince Isildur of the Bards, who now seems to have forsaken his homeplace. Prince Gandalf now rules in his stead, and with other determined followers of Apollo, the god of light leading the barony the city looks sure to make a recovery from a recent period of quiet. The economy is in good form, although the weakest of the Avalonian cities.
"Thakria was the strongest economically of the three, at least until the treachery of aide-to-state Arn who recently stole any commodities from its stores and ran back to his homeland, Parrius. Thakria is ruled by the iron hand of Shaitan, master of the Sorcerers. Alongside him are Eshkadeth, Prudence and the first Sorcerer of the modern age; Overlord Trekker returned to the city he rebuilt. It is in this spirit of greatness that Thakria has managed to secure the most healthy stocks of gold the city has seen since the reign of Snowlock. Finally it is known throughout Avalon that Thakria has returned to the evil that lies in its history; its patron Mephisto, god of night openly encourages his followers to cause destruction and bring the darkness of the long night over the land.
"Parrius is the perhaps still most powerful of the three cities. Its treasury is vast, and its commodity resources dwarf of the other cities. Marie, the once-great dictator of Parrius has returned to the city as Princess, this time balanced to some degree by its patron Orthwein, god of fate and his followers Polgara, Haplo and Silk. Procyon has also returned to the city after a long absence, holding the Ministry of the Chancellor. A year or so ago Parrius suffered the worst treachery every encountered in Avalon, when Cardodious as Chancellor removed the entire treasury and fled to Thakria. Despite this set back Parrius remains richer than the other two cities, yet it is less ready to waste its money on flagrant displays of military might that in the past.
"There are still no Chosen Ones in Avalon. Isildur is highpriest of Apollo, Fiorella of Aldaron and Markus of Maedhros Allendil. Genesis, Mephisto, Orthwein, Nostradamus and Wraith have chosen no High Priest. Finally, neutral deity Andromeda has Lancelot as high priest."