Example FEATS you may wish to use for targets - listed by "difficulity-rarity" classification where 1/10 is most straightforward and 10/10 is difficult-rare to an extent it may happen only a few times every RL generation:
= 1. Cross the rubicon of 80% quest pioneering, at least 900 chapter experiences and achieve 90% of LEGEND in your life mosaic.
= 2. Win a Divine Gem under conditions competitive "In Any Era" judged by the presiding deity.
= 3. Hold #1 Ranking (by Fighter / Non-Fighter) for 10 Avalon Years in one of the TOPS: attack rating, combat ratio, pacifist experience, general XP.
= 4. Be crowned as Prince of your City and under your tenure see 25% added to its reputation aggregate and divine globe annual power.
= 5. Spend a period of at least 5 Avalon years with the honourable title VICEROY of a foreign city.
= 6. Complete and demonstrate the MASTERCLASS completion to the satisfaction of a qualified deity to become a MASTER of your profession.
= 7. Become a professional Paradigm - greatest exponent of your class in the Avalon of today.
= 8. Bring about the Golden Age of Alessandria as leader/co-leader of the Ritual and know that this has NEVER been achieved.
= 9. Raise Pagea from beneath the waters of Lake Thrullmere for this has been achieved just once in Avalon's modern era.
=10. Become a True Avalonian - an honour held by only ten players in the first twenty-five RL years of Avalon's existence and just one since the start of the millennia.
=11. Carrying out an act of globally significant heroism against initial self-interest and path of least resistance and comfortable apathy by instead PLAYING AVALON under crucible conditions.
=12. Leading the armies of your city on a successful campaign involving crucible conditions and an outcome of historical significance on battlefields numbering at least a hundred thousand engaged legions.
Syntax: FEATS.
Shows you the feats of grean renown you have accomplished and the overall achievements quantifiable and your standing in reputation, stature and potential/developing Avalon "legend".
NOTE: while past experiences and deeds and quests attained steadily accumulate for all Avalonians based on their history, including senior characters catching up with achievements of yore (see HELP TYPES) the acquisition of a FEAT if it was something accomplished previously must be judged by a God or Goddess. Ask and ye shall receive. The deities have ways of checking up on all character histories in enough detail to judge these matters.
What are crucible conditions?
Very simple really. It's when the opposition is as determined as you are and the stakes are high enough that winning and losing is a matter of worldwide import or permanence so all those involved on frontline care enough and try hard enough that conditions are like a crucible where pure metal passes through the flame to smelt away impurities. It is an Avalon paradigm - the game aspires to be the crucible and though there are many processes - all must bring enough heat to separate all that is gold from the accumulated detritus of time passed in other conditions.
Feats build legends. See HELP LEGEND, HELP SENIORITY and HELP STANDINGS. Oh, and HELP DEEDS, HELP DUTIES, HELP BADGES, HELP EXPERIENCES and HELP MOSAIC making up a fascinating profile of all character lives in the realm.