Not to be confused with the skill rank of "Legendary" which means a skill is developed almost to its highest abilities, or the experience level "Legendary" which is the 72nd of the 99 XP levels between Newborn and Avalonian (the hundredth) both of which are detailed in HELP SKILLRANKS and HELP LEVELS respectively; the term "legend" tends to be applied to certain players of special often historically important renown.
Have a look at HELP STANDINGS to find out about the Avalonian's progression in standing from the newborn 'novice' through the junior and middling and senior standings; reaching a natural high point once a senior i..e. fully versed in the ways of Avalon. The 'senior' standings include two higher points known as 'high-senior' and 'noble-senior' and these denote high rank/positions held in a city or guild or divine order and/or particularly long history in the land.
It is possible to go down from 'high-senior' to regular 'senior' if an important rank is lost e..g. if one loses an election and ceases to be a Baron. The 'senior' standing itself once reached cannot be lost, however, since it is a sign of one's Avalon character having gone beyond a key point of development. This applies to all lower standings too: never backward, ever forward and upward.
The two highest standings possible for a mortal to attain are "paradigm" and "legend" and these are uncommon - often held by just one or two Avalonians in the land.
See HELP PARADIGM for info on the paradigm senior standing and HELP LEGEND for details on the legend senior standing. Check out HELP STANDINGS for an overview on Avalon standing progression.