One of the most effective gauges of your progress in the land, and the reputation amongst your peers you have established are titles. Titles are gained by becoming Master of a Guild, rising in the order of a deity, or, most often, attaining positions of responsibility within a city. A list of titles is provided below.
Prince Supported by all the Barons - the leader of a city.
Baron Elected by the citizens, with a wide range of powers.
Field Marshall Supreme commander of the military, war and city defence.
High Priest One of the highest ranks within a divine Order.
Guildmaster Leader and guiding force within a particular Guild.
Chancellor Master of the treasury and finances of a city.
Minister of State Master of construction, fashioning, and city trading.
Minister of Justice In charge of policing, and imposing a city's laws.
Ambassador Foreign affairs, negotiations, treaties, war/peace terms.
Trade Minister Minister of commodities, trading, market/stall stocking.
Relations Minister Responsible for the care and well being of novices.
Quest Master Noble citizen in charge of XPQUEST (see HELP XPQUEST).
The rank of Prince is gained by support from all active Barons. Prince appoints the Field Marshall, Chancellor, Quest Master, and the various ministries. The ranks of Baron and Guildmaster are usually gained by election. High Priest is bestowed upon a loyal follower by his or her patron.
Titles within a city can be given gradually by Baronial favour, or rather more quickly by direct Princely titling. A Prince can bestow a title once per Avalon month, effecting an immediate rise in an individual's city status before all in the city. Holding the higher andmore noble titles requires certain other achievements. A Prince can also use this method to strip title from a wayward citizen. Use GIVETITLE <individual> to advance somebody to the next title/city rank ahead of the natural progression and Crown-bestowed advancement.