The XPQUEST (or XPQ) command is one of the most useful in the high-ranking Avalonians arsenal. It deals with the interplay of potentially thousands of quests, their management, their state relative to one another and their impact on the citizenry/guildmembers fortunate enough to complete them. There are many other ways to attain and carry out quests so this is an additional rather than replacement to guild honours, city quests and the myriad of CCC-driven or group quests scattered about the land for you to discover. XP Quests do not contribute to the guild and city reputation and honour in the same way as permanent/fundamental quests; nor do they provide the "lesson boost" bestowed on younger Avalonians for first-time completions.
Deities, Princes, Guildmasters, designated Questmasters/Headtutors and High Priests are the origins of these Quests. From them the declaration is made covering all quests under their authority dictating guildrank, cityrank or orderstatus required by those of lower stature before they can handle (give out, judge etc) a specific quest. They also determine the levels beyond which an individual can no longer be given a certain quest. Some are, after all, for the very young while others are challenging even for a potent Avalonian.
Syntax: OFFER QUEST <quest> TO <questor>.
Offers a quest from the XPQ list to an appropriate questor. You can only offer quests over which you have authority - said authority being designated by the quest creator or assigned owner. The player may also receive a quest using QUEST FROM <ccc> if you have set up a 'FROM' questmaster. These experience quests do not appear when CCCs are greeted. There is a limit to the number of quests an individual may hold concurrently (generally between five and twenty).
Syntax: COMPLETED <questor> <quest>.
If a questor is fortunate enough to have completed the requirements of a quest then those with responsibility for managing the quest may declare him/her as having completed it. You declare them completed and then the questor types SUCCESS followed by the quest-name to reap his/her rewards.
Syntax: FAILURE <questor> <quest>.
There will be times that an individual is unable to complete a quest and decides to give up on it. They may do themselves by typing FAIL followed by the quest-name but those with authority may also force a declaration of failure using this command.
Syntax: XPQ LIST.
To list all quests you have access to, either to give out or (if you have sufficient authority) to rework, rename, or edit.
Summarises all quests you have access to in a quick format for easy viewing.
Syntax: XPQ INFO <quest>.
Shows you detailed information on a specific quest: all its settings and performance statistics.
Syntax: XPQ NEW <quest name>.
If you have sufficiently high authority you may bring forth a new quest into the land. Use this command and pick a quest name that is a single unique word roughly descriptive of the quest.
Syntax: XPQ RENAME <quest old name> <new name>.
Rename an existing quest that falls under your jurisdication - perhaps choosing a name that better describes it. Quest names MUST be a single word.
Shortcut denomination to declare a quest as belonging to a specific area of authority: your city, your guild, your order, the deities, your city government, your guild leadership, or of universal access. XPQ PRIVS are determined by the quest type.
Syntax: XPQ OWNER <quest> <new owner>.
Deities and the creator of a quest may declare the owner of a quest. The owner or, more aptly, the controller (or controller-group) may amend its text, ratings, give it out to budding questors, declare success or failure. Owners can be individuals, guilds, cities or deities (and therefore their order). The quest creator can also set ownership to EVERYBODY, ALLCITIES and ALLGUILDS to give all suitably privileged, or cross-city/cross-guild duly privileged individuals control over the quest.
Syntax: XPQ RESET <quest>
A one-off command to completely wipe a quest - available only to the creator of the quest and not designated owners. Wiping is irreversible and removes all traces of the specified quest from the land, including records held on individuals of their having peformed it.
Syntax: XPQ BLURB <quest> <long text blurb>.
Enter the long body of text in a single continuous paragraph using this command to give the questor as much information as necessary about the quest and what is required to be successful. Do not place quotes around the text as this is automatically added.
Syntax: XPQ RESPONSE <quest> <long text response>.
Enter here as a long continuous paragraph the text seen by the questor as a response to the successful carrying out of the quest/mission, e..g. when a target is slain, an artifact is wrested back, a questmaster declares completion. Do not place quotes around the text response.
Syntax: XPQ ON/OFF <quest>.
Switches a quest active or dormant depending on your preference. It is accessible to all those with authority over the quest.
Syntax: XPQ RATING <quest> <rating percentage>.
The quest rating determines the amount of experience gained by the questor upon successful completion. The higher the rating, the higher the experience gain. However, the experience must come from somewhere. A city quest takes its experience from the divine globe, a guild quest from its reputation, an order quest or godly quest from the deity's essence and a universal quest from across all globes, reputations and essences in the land.
Syntax: XPQ FAILURE <quest> <failure penalty>.
If an individual fails a quest and declares it so they pay a modest penalty in experience. This rating defines the extent of that penalty.
Syntax: XPQ FROM <quest> <CCC/questmaster>/NOBODY.
Selects the named computer controlled character from whom the quest may be gained. You may also select a city, guild or order as the questmaster and all CCCs loyal to the designated questmaster source will have the ability to present the specified quest.
Syntax: XPQ PREQUEST <quest> NONE/<prerequisite quest>.
Sometimes you may wish to ensure that in a questor's repertoire there exists another quest already completed. Often chains of quests are created in this fashion, leading from straightforward to group-challenging, each subsequent quest requiring its junior to have been completed first. A quest may have just one required quest - if this is set to NONE then the quest will be given freely without such stipulation. Bear in mind also the prerequisite quest must be fully completed; it is not enough to simply have it in the questor's REMEMBER list.
Syntax: XPQ ITEM <quest> <item>/NOTHING or XPQ ITEM <quest> TYPE <type>/CUSTOM <type>.
Defines the need for the individual to possess the specified item to be considered successful in the aforementioned quest. Remember to include the specific item number, e..g.. shield7646 if possible. If you use XPQ ITEM TYPE then any item conforming to the specified type will be accepted, e..g. XPQ ITEM <quest> TYPE LONGSWORD will accept any longsword. Use the CUSTOM option to specify certain types of a specific item, e..g. to accept only certain types of longswords.
Syntax: XPQ SLAY <quest> <target city/guild>/<person>/<CCC>/NONE/CUSTOM <target>.
The target specified here must be slain in order for the quest listed to be considered completed. The dead body of the slain target must also be in the individual's possession else the successful declaration will fail. If the target is a generic type, e..g.. orcs or dwarves, then any of that group will be sufficient for completion. Otherwise the target can be a named CCC, a named Avalonian player (like yourself), or a member of a specific guild or city. In the case of slaying a fellow player the SLAY only counts against peers or those of superior might, not LWs or those considerably smaller in size. Specifying the CUSTOM option allows you to denominate only certain types of the selected target, e..g. a specific sort of enlistable man.
Syntax: XPQ OFFER <quest> NOTHING/<persona>/<artifact>/TYPE <item or creature>/CUSTOM <item or creature>.
Setting up an offering requirement ensures that in order to complete the specified quest the individual must make a suitable offering to the Gods. The offering can be an artifact from about the land (specified including its unique item number), a type of item/creature (e..g.. TYPE ORC to centre the quest on the offering of orc bodies), or by entering the name of a fellow Avalonian you effectively make the quest pivot on the offering of his/her dead body (somewhat akin to a 'Most Wanted' poster). Use the CUSTOM option to specify that offering success is attained via specific items of the specified type (e..g. a certain type of longsword).
Syntax: XPQ TO <quest> <target>/NONE/QUESTMASTER.
If a 'to' target is specified associated with a quest then the target must be found in order that success may be declared. In conjunction with an item, declaring success will mean handing over the item as fruits of the questing labour and thus gaining just reward. The target can be a city, guild or deity order and in these cases any CCCs of appropriate loyalty will suffice. Remember to include the specific item number where applicable. If QUESTMASTER is selected then regardless of the steps required to complete the quest's criteria, a final 'completed' must be bestowed on the questor (by an appropriate player questmaster) before SUCCESS can be attained.
Syntax: XPQ QUESTORMAX <quest> <maximum level/position>.
Allows the quest creator or the designated owner (e..g. if the quest is owned by a city then this is the Prince, if a guild it is the guildmaster, etc) to determine the privileges/position required for an individual to be able to give out and judge successful the specified quest. Type XPQ QUESTORMAX on its own for details.
Syntax: XPQ PRIVS <quest> <minimum level/position>.
Quests can be delimited so that they are only able to be handed out to those on or below a certain level, or below a certain rank. This avoids quests being monopolised by high-rankers and allows stratas of quests to be created. Type XPQ PRIVS on its own for details.
Universal quests the minimum rank is a level number (1-newborn, 101-ordainable).
Guild quests the minimum rank is a guild rank (1-probationary, 12-deputy gm).
City quests the minimum rank is city title (1-commoner, 10-baron, 11-prince).
Godly quests minimum rank is order rank (1-worshipper, 8-chosen one, 9-deity).
Government quests minimum is (1-all aides, 2-ministers/barons, 3-prince).
GuildElder quests minimum is (1-all tutors, 2-headtutor/elders, 3-elders/dgm,
4-elders/gm, 5-headtutor/gm, 6-headtutor/gm/elders).
Finally the quest creator or designated owner can delimit the extent to which the quest is available to those outside the shared confines of the quest's owning group, e.g. a quest owned by the Mages Guild may be limited to Mages only, or to citizens of Mercinae only, or it may be thrown open to all-comers.
Sets whether the quest is considered a once-in-a-lifetime achievement or whether it can be done daily, monthly, or annually. These timings are all in Avalon-time (approximately one could say one Avalon day is one real-life hour, a month equates to a day and a year is nigh on two weeks). Quests involving a learning curve tend to be less frequently allowed, or those in the vein of 'Most Wanted' posters, while for the Rangers to have a quest to slay the Orc Shaman, it may be desirable to have this performed regularly by the younger members to keep their focus and fighing prowess in tune.
Use this command to specify where items received by quest CCCs are stored upon declarations of success. NONE will take the items away from the land. INVENTORY plaes them directly in the quest CCC's inventory. HERE stores them in the location in which you stand when you issue the command. ME sends the item into your inventory. GUILD stashes the item in the guild's designated stockroom. CITY places the item in the city's resource store. Finally, specify an <item> and it will put the received item in the designated <item>, e.g. inside a chest or on a steed. If you use <item> remember to specify its unique number. If a quest-type is UNIVERSAL then it will only take from owner/creator inventories.
Syntax: XPQ GIFT <quest> <item>/ARTIFACTS/INVENTORY/TYPE <itemtype>/NOTHING/CUSTOM <item>.
To determine whether a gift is given to successful questors and, if so, where the gift is taken from and what it is. Types could be, for instance, longsword or shield. Artifacts would be any item of great significance, checked first in the questmaster inventory and then in the stockroom/treasure chamber of the designated quest owner (if that be city or guild). If you use the CUSTOM option it will gift any items corresponding precisely to the specified item (e..g. a certain type of sword). Remember to include the specific item number where appropriate.
Syntax: XPQ GOLD <quest> <gold reward>
Declares the quest reward in gold coins given over to an individual successful in its completion. The gold comes from city treasury (for city owned quests), from guild treasuries (for guild owned), from deity coffers (for order quests) and from the general treasury if it's a universal quest.
Syntax: XPQ LOG <quest>/CLEAR.
To review a log of the recent quest completions - available only to those with authority over the quest. The log contains all instances where the quest is given out, where it is failed and where it is completed. It also records changes made to the quest's fundamental ratings, ownership authority, textual content and restrictions as listed above.
Syntax: XPQ MEMORY <person>.
Summarises the quest achievements (successes or currently active) for an individual. The summary covers only those quests over which you have due authority and can only be done with the target in front of you.
See also HELP QUESTS for the questor's perspective helpfile, including details on the REQUEST FROM, REMEMBER, MEMORIES and SUCCESS commands.