To view items for sale in a shop, type GOODS on its own. A list will display all the items available, a short description, their item code number, and a price in gold coins. Sometimes the lists are very long or confusing and you may wish to review a shop's inventory only of certain types of items, like herbs or potions. To do this type GOODS followed by the item type you wish to review, e..g. GOODS HERBS or GOODS POTIONS.
To purchase one of these items you must type BUY followed by the item and the ite m code number. Providing you hold enough gold, you will be sold it. Selling your possessions to a shop is done using the SELL <item> command. Some shops will pay for your item immediately, others will make you an offer and await your acceptance, some will not buy at all. Around Avalon are many merchants, though, who will always buy your goods and give you gold in exchange. A merchant resides in a small shop north of Mercinae, another in a pawnbrokers at the northern end of Kings Avenue in Thakria, while another holds shop off Hellespont Square in Parrius. Silverfalls' merchant has his shop as one of the many in the city's central Market Hall, just off Silverfalls Square. A number of smaller towns and indeed all of the villages boast either merchants or trading marketplaces wherein certain items (particular commodities) may be traded.