Once per Avalon month it is possible for anyone of sufficiently high forest affinity rank (rated in the top ten) to make a most significant declaration: to pronounce this close bond by becoming the forest's soulmate. Each forest has its own character and its own affinity ranks based on what it perceives, what peoplpe do within its locations. Ranks are given only to members of the Ranger and Druid professions though everybody in Avalon has an ever-evolving affinity in all the ancient forests, whether they know about it or not, based on the things they do and the things that woodland perceives of their actions.
Those of the Animist/Druid and Ranger professions (and associated guilds) can type SOULMATES to list the ancient woodland "entities" alongside either the declared soulmate or the Ranger/Druid with highest active affinity.
Type CHOOSE followed by the forest-name to make your public declaration.
This is a public declaration and a personal choice: to name the ancient woodland to which you wish to bind yourself, to be first among equals in your preferred forests. It is a duty of care and a sacred trust. The ancient woodland will have its closest kin in the animal world: you! By way of celebration, the making of a soulmate choice opens out the forest to generous demeanour (removing any bellicose feeling or restrictions like guildfolk or brethren bias). The new soulmate's first responsibility is to define these very settings.
Be warned: your soulmate choice, being possible only once per Avalon month, risks being superseded (and therefore wasted) by anyone of higher affinity rank - if the higher ranked individual declares soulmate for the same forest. His or her declaration would overmatch; he or she would gain soulmate status at your expense, leaving you with only your affinity rank 'til the next Avalon month. Thus it is important to review soulmate declarations and be astute in your judgment. Choose a forest soulmating unlikely to be taken away by one of your rivals.
NOTE: it is only possible to be a soulmate to ONE forest at any given time and thus if one is high ranked in many forests, difficult choices await since choosing soulmate in one ancient woodland automatically discards the others.
The soulmate gains numerous unique powers in addition to those acquired by the equivalent of the first-ranked Animism/Sylvan Lore specialist. The soulmate is able to affect the fundamental 'demeanour' of the forest: to make it bellicose or peaceful, to render its borders open or closed, to ensure it looks upon good deeds in a generous or parsimonious light. The soulmate is able (at cost to him/herself) to directly raise or lower the affinity of others - within the soulmated forest. The soulmate gains freedom of open kinship with the ents and huorns born in his/her forest and is able to pick and plant freely without risk of overpicking and various otherwise negatively perceived forest activity.
Type AFFINITY for further information on woodland affinities, HELP FORESTS, HELP TENDING and HELP AFFINITY to read associated helpfiles.