Bearform is one of the centrepiece abilities of the ranger profession, a powerful ability of transformation where the high-level ranger is able to take on the form and many of the abilities of one of the great bears. The bear is stronger and faster and more resilient than the human, able to wreak havoc with its claws and its bite. Elders and guildmasters are able to claw so quickly they can strike at double-speed in certain cases. Specifics can be researched by those fortunate enough to have developed their Forestry skill towards its fullest potential.
It is possible for a ranger to request of his/her guildmaster the boon of a special or unique bearform. The guildmaster is able to declare the type of bear the guildmember will become upon completing their 'bearform' transformation.
Guildmasters and their deputies (of the Ranger profession) may use the BEARS command. BEARS on its own lists the types of bearforms able to be bestowed. BEARS LIST runs through members and their preferred bearforms (if not merely the traditional type). BEARS <guildmember> <bearform type> allows the guildmaster to give a special bearform to the individual, BEARS <guildmember> NORMAL to return the member to regular-looking bearform; and BEARS <guildmember> UNIQUE/GENERAL allows the head of the guild to state a specific bearform unique to those currently possessing of it or open to all ranger professionals.
If you possess a special bearform and you are the only person in the land fortunate enough to do so, you may declare it unique yourself by typing BEARS UNIQUE ON. You may reverse this choice with BEARS UNIQUE OFF.