It is possible to obtain a pet for yourself, to look nurture and watch
grow at your side as you yourself progress in the land. Some pets are
for their beauty, some for the utility. Many shops in the cities sell
pets, while it is possible to range in the wilder lands to fetch and
tame your own animal if you have both skill and patience. Be careful,
however, when you are facing dangerous situations for there are many who
choose to target a person's pet as a more potent means of getting to the
owner. Use stables, or chambers tucked away in safety, for the storage
of your pets while you are absent from the land. You are, of course,
also able to name your pet: NAME <pet> <name> is the way this is done.
For example, typing NAME CAT DINAH will name your cat Dinah. All of
those who examine her or see her in a location will then be made aware
of her name.